Gyokuro Yamashiro

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves
Butter, Grass, Smooth, Vegetal, Spinach, Vegetable Broth, Floral, Forest Floor, Green, Ocean Air, Ocean Breeze, Seaweed, Vegetables, Creamy, Earth, Sweet, Warm Grass, Artichoke, Green Beans, Bok Choy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec 7 g 61 oz / 1805 ml

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Precious jade

For the true connoisseur. Unlike regular green tea, Gyokuro Yamashiro (literally “Jade Dew”) is shaded for 6-7 weeks prior to plucking, so it’s dark, extra-energizing and extremely rare outside of Japan. Experts rhapsodize over its extraordinary tea oil and chlorophyll notes. And its lengthy time out of the sun gives it an intensely rich flavour – think dark, leafy greens mingled with buttery sweetness. Truly exquisite. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Steamed green tea from Japan.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

68 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

Top o’ the mornin’! Happy St. Patrick’s Day steepsters! I am going to try to just drink green teas today! (with a notable exception being my Shamrocks & Shenanigans black tea, which I would have had for my first cup but it’s too sweet this early) So I decided to brew up this green! I don’t drink this one too often, I’m not sure why, I think because my go-to straight green is Laoshan green. But this one is still very good! I should have used my finer infuser, there’s a few too many green bits that made their way into my cup and it’s affecting the taste, but it’s still a nice and refreshing first cup of the day. Hopefully I don’t overcaffeinate today lol, I did a bit yesterday oops. Anyways, see previous notes on this tea, and I will continue my green tea day (and maybe have to have some green alcohol later as well lol)

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

vegetal ! like rah rah vegetal! like fresh rain and a freshly picked garden. like a cucumber salad or wheatgrass shots after a great run.

and it’s slightly naturally sweet too.
so glad i got this early on and don’t know why it’s not already gone. though i’m glad it’s not because it will be perfect for spring. the bright green leaves and cloudy lime colored liquor will make the sun seem just a little warmer.

for lunch today i went and took and short ABS class. also i’m lazily attempting Intermittent Fasting. no doubt i’ll talk about it too much on here. it’s what i do.


How come you’re attempting Intermittent Fasting?


hi Lynne-tea! ummm sorry in advance for this kinda a long complainey sounding story??
i will preface this by saying that i am not a petite gal. i am basically an amazon and am by no means underweight and i don’t have a runners gangly body.
but basically, all my crazy marathon training has me eating like a crazy person. (i ran a marathon saturday too) my appetite is sky high. which is okay enough, but lately i’ve been making dumb food choices. and i pay for it with bad nights sleep and bogged down training runs and some weight gain. i’m running 3 marathons in April and the next 3 weeks i am tapering training, which means less miles. so it’s a good time to experiment and train my hunger impulses to chill out a bit more.
if i eat lots and really healthy i have a MUCH better time running.
i will say though that it’s almost 4p and i feel STUFFED on the half of the giant lunch i ate. the experiment continues!
have you done IF before? basically i’m reading up on the leangains model and eating all my calories for the day in an 8hr window starting at 1pm.
blah blah blah
i could talk about this forever.


Thats really neat! I always skipped breakfast and had no problem maintaining a lower, cut weight. But now, due to pressure from my family and friends, I’ve started eating breakfast. I hate it. I get hungry within a few hours of having my breakfast and now I’m gaining weight… not too much, but enoughs enough. I’m not going to conform!
I wish you luck :)

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525 tasting notes

This is like a savory vegetable broth. It’s got a rich creamy mouthfeel. I would agree with others that it’s buttery, but it doesnt taste like dairy. It’s all In the texture. It’s also a bit kelpy and oceanic. It’s got a bit of sweetness but not to the level of the gyokuro I got from Den’s. It also lacks that freshness of spring and sunshine. This one taste more robust. Like autumn. Maybe I should have asked when this was plucked. Hmm.

This is pretty good but I wouldn’t buy it again. If I’m going to get a tea this pricy it had better be magnificent. This one is only pretty good. I’m glad I got this to go from the store.

Anyways, I got a bunch of new samples to try. Yaaaay!

4 min, 15 sec

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6117 tasting notes

I think I need to reduce the leaf I use to only 3/4 tsp for this tea – I think I used just over 1 tsp and it was still a bit strong, though not oversteeped, and deliciously beany/vegetal.

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652 tasting notes

Made for me at a DavidsTea store.


Normally after I swoon, I write ‘THUD’, but you can’t thud into layers of buttery greens. Exquisitely good. I’ve only had oolongs so buttery. And the green tasting notes: like brussells sprouts before you pick up the bitterness. I was expecting it to be good, but it was fabulous. And best of all, the water wasn’t too hot (which has been a problem at my local DT).

Rating: 100.


gyokuro is awesome. :)

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14 tasting notes

Love LOVE love this one. Maybe because I work there so I get to drink free teas all day long, and because i know it’s the most expensive one, but I’ve tried every other japanese tea we have, and this one is the best. It really taste like steamed aspargus with a bit of butter. And then kids would ask why we want to drink liquids that taste like aspargus. And we wouldn’t know what to answer.


I wonder that myself sometimes… but it’s soooo gooooood


I just bought 150g. That means 66$. Hopefully I have a 35% escount on it. :D

Drunk From Tea

you work at davids? so luckyyyyy!

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892 tasting notes

Thanks for this one Shmiracles! I love the color of the dry leaf. So rich and dark. B-E-A-Utiful! The aroma is slightly buttery and vegetal. Honetly, it reminds me of the townhouse butteryish crackers. The flavor is just as rich. It has sweet vegetal notes that kind of remind me of spinach.. There is butter notes… It has almost has a creamy quality to it.. I really liked this one! Thanks again!

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6 tasting notes

This tea breaks my heart a little. I’m a broke as heck person that spends way too much money on tea as a splurge, but even I had the eyes-bugging-out moment when I realized how expensive it would be to get a bag of this. Sadly, the to-go cups at David’s Tea are all the same price, so I figured I would get that as a treat and it would give me the chance to try their most expensive one for the same price as any of the other kinds. Why is this sad? Because now I’ve tried it and it haunts my dreams. Dream of tea, you say? Sounds like you have a problem! Well, yeah, I do, and it’s that this tea is buttery (like another reviewer I didn’t “get” what people meant by buttery tea until I tried this), green, smooth, and utterly amazing. I’m a “milk and sugar it up!” kind of person with most teas, but this is one of the very, very few I’ve ever enjoyed that is absolutely perfect with nothing in it.

It’s very delicate, and needs both a VERY short steep and much lower than usual temperature. One day, when I have a variable temperature kettle and am not so terminally broke, this will be a luxurious, once-a-week tea for me. I think even if I had all the money in the world I would still want to keep it to once a week (okay, twice a week!) as it really does taste special. It needs a lazy day of total indulgence, or a lake-view cottage afternoon, or the visit of someone you love to pieces, or the news that your best friend is having a baby. It is tea to celebrate life with, and as I type this I know I’m going to have to find a way to reshuffle my budget just a little bit so I can keep it in my life. Oh, what’s that, you think this review is stuffed with hyperbole? If only. No, this tea really is that special.

165 °F / 73 °C 1 min, 15 sec

What a lovely review!


Wonderful Review! Like reading poetry – hyperbole or no. :)

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326 tasting notes

Wow, this is so buttery and smooth. I’m not usually a big fan of green teas but this is really nice. Not too grassy or vegetal (which is a plus for me, but I know a lot of people like those characteristics)

I only tried this because it’s in the Orient Express sample pack. I won’t buy more because it’s really expensive ($22 for 50g). If price isn’t an issue for you, I’d highly recommend checking this out (even if you don’t normally like green tea).

165 °F / 73 °C 1 min, 0 sec

I haven’t seen this one in the store, is it new? sounds like it’s a green I may actually enjoy :)


I’m pretty sure they’ve had this since last year. So if your location doesn’t have it, you can always try another store. It’s also in the Orient Express sample pack, which all of the stores are good about keeping in stock.


hmmm. I’m not much of a green fan bc the tannins (or something, not sure what) irritate me in a bad way… but this sounds like it’d be my style. I probably just wasn’t paying attention lol


Flash steeping Gyokuro Yamashiro is truly exquisite, and one of the most refreshing iced tea i’ve ever tried! Beautiful “jade” liquor! 1 minute, 1.5min tops.

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125 tasting notes

I just got this in the order this week and I’m drinking it for the first time right now. I’m logging it in but I don’t have time for a proper review. All I can say at this point that it’s a divine tea! I love it!


Enjoy! I’m very curious about your review. Have been wondering about a gyokuro aswell, but the way it is described (as somewhat ‘oily’) keeps putting me off…

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