
Tea type
Green Tea
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190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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Zen monks have been using sencha for generations to promote clarity and calmness. So go sit outside on a sunny spring day and let this tea recharge your mental energy. Its scent of orange will ease your stress and lift your mood. Its peppermint leaves will sharpen your senses and help you focus. And its goji berries will provide complete mental clarity. Use the force, Luke.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

4 Tasting Notes

259 tasting notes

David’s Tea has a most delightful habit of including several free samples with each order I place. I had an order come in today along with three free samples and one of them was Senchamental. I don’t mind a bad pun. I don’t even mind a ridiculously bad pun. I don’t mind a reference to Star Wars either. It takes me back to the days when my children insisted that we constantly play Star Wars. They were Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, respectively. Their father was Darth Vader (alternating with Obi Wan Kenobi). And I got the best role of all—I stepped in as the Princess Leia, as Jabba the Hutt, as Greedo, as Boba Fett, and as a jawa. My own private young Skywalker is a balding middle-aged man and he hasn’t come at me with his light sabre in decades.

So this tea begins as a sentimental journey for me. The dry aroma is pronouncedly orange. And a delightful orange with a true flavor. Nothing synthetic here. Orange is the predominant taste as well. And it’s vigorous and strong. The mint makes its way though but it’s clearly a supporting member of the orchestra while the orange is the soloist in this concerto.

I like this blend because it’s an original to me—I’ve never had such an intriguing marriage of mint and green before as back-up players to orange. The aftertaste has more mint, but remains quite orange-y. The orange – mint blend is strong to the point that I don’t taste the vegetal elements of the green tea coming through. I’m enjoying this hot, but it might make the absolutely perfect iced tea for the summer (I’m doing iced tea auditions right now and this one has made the cut). Now I’ll have to put in a full-order with David’s Teas. Was I compliementing them on the free samples? Now I say it’s like the old dope peddler giving a free sample to a gullible child.

Super-nice tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

Haha LOVE the name of this! Sounds like a good nick name for me.

sophistre 15 years ago

I just about snorted and choked on my cup of tea when I got to a certain point in this tasting note. Well done.

SoccerMom 15 years ago

LOL I love the reminiscing going on in this tasting note.

~lauren. 15 years ago

OMG – Okay – I thought this steepster site was going to be informative but a bit staid, a bit pompous, a bit snobbish, a bit … you get it, right? it’s tea. BUT NO!!! It’s a party all day/all night long! I almost died laughing at your post and now people around me are looking at me funny!

gmathis 15 years ago

Gee…thanks for making me all weepy. My young jedi can now put his chin on top of my head and is shaving. (Turn around and they’re two….turn around and they’re four….)

~lauren. 15 years ago

WOW, congrats, Doulton, you’ve got snorting, choking, loving, laughing and weeping – all in one post on one tea! A winner!

AmazonV 15 years ago

hmm, where is my metal bikini…yup done the leia thing at conventions – have hair long enough to bun too – too bad i may chop it all off

SoccerMom 15 years ago

AmazonV- I bet you attracted alot of attention in the metal bikini at the Star Wars convention! LOL I did the princess Leia thing once for Halloween but I wore that robe thingy.

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440 tasting notes

A big thank you to Erin for sharing this with me. It was doubly appreciated since it is impossible to get anymore.

Knowing that this tea is older, I knew that some of the notes would taste differently than they would’ve before. Curiously the dry leaf smelled like . . . children’s vitamins. You know, those ones that are supposed to be orange flavoured but actually don’t taste like anything someone would actually ever call food? Yeah, it smelled like those.

I brewed it up as per the directions, giving it a three minute steep, the lower end of the recommended spectrum. Excitedly I took my first sip and got . . . vitamins. It tastes exactly like it smells, complete with that powder taste that I always got after the vitamin. I almost thought that Fred and Barney were sitting in front of me in pink and purple pill form.

I am grateful to Erin for letting me try this one, however even if it was still available, I don’t think that I would buy it.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

I miss the Flintstones vitamins!

Tina S. 13 years ago

Don’t they still make them? I know there are chewable ones!

nomadinjeopardy 13 years ago

They totally do! My mind was blown by seeing them in Walmart a little while ago. But until then, and this note, I had totally forgot about them.

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

They do still make them! They also make gummy ones and sour gummy ones, but the classic are the best. Don’t ask how I know this. >_>

Tina S. 13 years ago

Why don’t they make gummy vitamins for adults? They’d be so much more . . . inviting. hates taking vitamins

Missy 13 years ago

I seen some gummys for adults at costco I believe. If you look around you’ll find them. :D Right here I really feel like I need to say, " If you build it, they will come."

gmathis 13 years ago

Actually, they do… (for adults). I think they’re called Vita-Craves. Not sure about their availability in your part of the world…

Tina S. 13 years ago

I’m in Canada so I may be able to find them. We tend to get most of the things in the States. Except for Cherry 7Up. That I wish we got up here!

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38 tasting notes

Love this tea to put me in the right mind….often will blend it with “The Skinny” tea for a full whole body health effect.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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