Cold brewed for about fourteen hours(ish), and then brought to work today. I only have enough leaf left for one more could brew – and I think that’s a good thing because even though this was a better taste experience then I’ve had before – it really wasn’t that spectacular.
Work today started off really shitty; basically I had to go back and restock an entire aisle because some of the trainees (partially myself included) had incorrectly stocked some Tupperware. It was tiring and really frustrating. However, thankfully the shift got much better and ended on a really positive note. And now I have tomorrow off; yay!
Anyway, this cold brew was pretty delightful; I mean, I still got that weird coffee note but it was smooth and I managed to pair the tea with something that complimented the coffee/raspberry really well when I was on break (PB & Blackberry Jam sandwich and Cadbury Cream eggs) and that made it a lot less noticable/irritating.
I sent a bunch of this to VariaTEA (and saw she had this today too), so I’m hoping she’ll be able to confirm or deny whether my tasting coffee in this is crazy or not.
Again, there’s no fireworks with this tea so I’ll be more than ok when it’s gone.
Should I try coldbrewing this too? I have water bottles again so I set up a bizillion coldbrews for tomorrow (and by that I mean 4)
I like it better cold brewed than hot – but only slightly. I get “coffee” taste either way, though. I think it MIGHT be the wool flowers in it.