Teabox B! I’m working on just doing one steep, rather than my usual two steeps that I usually do, since I have to work through this teabox and the one I started is on its way! I had both teaboxes last time too. I have no idea how that worked out!
After a 3-4 minute steep, this one seems a tiny bit brisk, but perfect for the morning. Somehow it reminded me of a CTC blend, but this isn’t. It just seems like that is how African tea tastes? I swear there was a hint of fruit in this one, but maybe it was scent contamination from something else in the teabox? This one is good to gulp down when you need your caffeine on the move, but it isn’t extra special. Maybe my water cooled too long. I’ll leave the rest of this one in the teabox since it is lacking in the plain black tea department… and I’m not sure I have many plain black teas to add.