Eggnog & Pralines

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Cream, Creamy, Vegetal, Grass, Green, Vegetables, Spices, Nuts, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 363 ml

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From Butiki Teas

This tea was featured in the Amoda Tea Box for December 2013.

The mellow green teas in this blend are the perfect base for a light version of a glass of eggnog and praline cookies. This tea is creamy, sweet, light, and refreshing all at the same time. Lightly roasted pecans mingle with the vegetal note of the green tea that we are glad wasn’t covered up. Dare we say it-this tea tastes just fantastic sweetened up.

Ingredients: Organic Mao Jian, Glenburn Estate Green, Safflower, Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

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56 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

This will be interesting.

My migraine is mostly under control, so I’m going for green teas instead of more matcha, black tea, or coffee. I also had a really heavy dinner (roasted squash and yams, and ribs pasta), so something light yet really flavourful would be good.

Generally green teas aren’t a favourite of mine. However, this one is pretty darn good. It smells like toasted hazelnuts, nutmeg, cookies baking, and feels quite creamy.

Adding a little sugar and milk made it look REALLY awful in my new glass mug, but whatever. It tastes pretty good! I think the praline flavour is making it taste more like genmaicha to me, which is a green tea I generally like.

So, even though I probably wouldn’t rush out and buy more, I’m really glad I had a chance to try this one, and I’m going to savour the rest of the teensy bag. But maybe not in a clear mug. :)

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

For me, flavoured greens are so damn tricky. I’m such a picky little whiner when it comes to them. So I’d probably feel the same way about this.


:D For a green, it’s great… but I’d still rather have a black tea or a tisane.


Yeah, I liked it too. If she makes it permanent, or limited edition/semi-permanent, I might get some, because it has body for a green, and hearty enough for me in winter when I rely on blacks in the morning.

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1113 tasting notes

This short tasting note is every so heartbreaking


*ever so heartbreaking


I have some Stephanie :) I can send it your way!


At least I can still buy Creamy Eggnog :) consoles myself


Aww, Courtney did you not like it??


Not so much for me, but I’m not huge on greens yet.


Well, I’ll gladly take it off your hands if you really want to send it. Hope I can return the favor :)

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-This one will be in stock only for a month very shortly. :)


That is very exciting. This one is sooo good. I also really liked Nutmeg Cream.

Butiki Teas

VariaTEA-That one will be in stock as well. This will be happening very very soon and will be in stock only until the end of February.


Ooooh I am so excited. I should probably try all my other Butiki teas so I know what I want to restock once I am ordering.

Butiki Teas

VariaTEA-It will be slightly different though as we are no longer stocking one of the base teas but it won’t be different by much.

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15483 tasting notes

this is a slightly nuttier version of creamy eggnog, though it tastes much like i remember the other tasting. I’ll have to do a side by side comparison at some point just for fun.

Mostly, though…Dexter you’re awesome. that is all.

(edit: back up to 157, with a package still sitting in mail jail)


Oh right! I should try that with my kettle!


I’m sure that you will give that box a better home than I would :))


I’m going to hug them and kiss them and love them forever….


and call him George?


Hahahah you guys. <3

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1598 tasting notes

I don’t think this one is for me. It’s very well blended, but I’m personally not a huge fan of nutty teas or really grassy teas.


Have you tried it with milk? I thought it was really good with milk and a little sugar.


I’ll try milk next time! I never think to add milk to anything aside from black teas.


can’t wait to try mine…


When do you expect it?

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761 tasting notes

I was very skeptical about this one from the box, because I’m one of the few people who is not fond of eggnog. The actual drink makes me feel sick, and the flavour in things like lattes makes me think of drinking the real stuff and feeling sick.

Luckily, this blend is less nog and more nut, though it smelled more nog in the bag. I was hoping that the mellow and buttery green tea plus praline would make the eggnog more tolerable, and it did just that, so for me, this tea gets a higher rating than I would have initially thought, though others might rate it lower because it is light on the eggnog flavour.

I find that as a green, it has a medium body…not as light as some greens, but not super hearty and heavy either. I think the nuts and cream add a warmth to this that make it a cozy winter green tea.

I’m glad I tried this. Who knows, if it becomes permanent, I might get a bag of my own once my sample is up.

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612 tasting notes

Oh how I have missed you Steepster. Went up to see my folks in New York for the holidays, the usual traumatic dramatic blow up and stress occurred, and I have never been so happy to return home to my friends and cats and tea and own relaxed way of doing things. I packed some Harney tea bags (Tower of London, I thought I liked you before but man, you REALLY came through for me up there despite the hard-as-rocks tap water…you have my eternal gratitude and appreciation) but it was a bit of a bummer having all these wonderful holiday-themed teas to try 1,000 miles away from me on Christmas eve and day. Ah well! Got another glorious week with the husband and friends; I predict a lot of catch up tea time. The night we arrived back there was a package waiting for us from a beautiful friend in Ohio full of homemade jams and salsas, and we stopped into Trader Joe’s on the way out of Chapel Hill a couple weeks ago, making these afternoons all the sweeter.

Stayed up ‘til after 3am (last night was fun, got to put on a nice dress and shoes and jewelry, roast chestnuts and mix up fancy drinks for a friend and myself, go out to dinner—got Chinese pork and cabbage stew leftovers today yum!—talk about lyric writing and bad music videos from the ’80s, and make plans for a pots de creme party next weekend…friends are the best), slept in and cuddled with the cats all morning. Now R’s over at a friend’s brushing up on code and music making, so I have a much-needed opportunity to decompress alone. Listening to my favorite albums of the year (Grouper’s on right now! ), puttering away at mini projects around the apartment, reading said dear friend’s awesome wry emotionally sharp fan fiction (here: ), making tea.

Man do I love the cream aroma of Butiki teas. This was unsurprisingly delicious (and very welcome as our uber favorite local glass bottle eggnog from Rock Springs dairy is AWOL for some reason this year). I love that you can really taste the praline too, not just the eggnog. I’m quite certain I prefer this to the much beloved Creamy Eggnog. I hope there’ll somehow be an affordable chance to restock these Amoda blends eventually. So good. Bonus, it resteeps well!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

OMG BEEN THERE, BEEN THERE, BEEN THERE!!!! i just don’t do it anymore. if everyone has to drink in order not to kill one another, it’s not worth it, lol.


it’s comforting to know i’m not alone, but i’m sorry to hear that James. yeah, it’s happened enough times now, and it takes it toll enough now that i know it isn’t normal/ok/healthy that i’m finally slowly getting better about drawing boundaries. i love my family and going up is my only chance to see the extended fam to boot, so i’m going to still visit occasionally, but i’m never staying at the old house again and finally my mom understands that’s not an insult to her, it’s just how it has to be.

as a plus, things like that make me incredibly grateful for what i have found down here, wonderful friends and a home life i feel at ease and loved in, that lets me focus on my passions and be myself without feeling judged or shamed or just too distracted by drama stress to pursue. feeling surges of love and gratitude for my adult life and social circle is a pretty great way to experience the holidays, so there is that!


indeed! my mother does not understand that…. that’s just how it is. i can’t MAKE her understand or accept anything or anyone. nor should i have to. sometimes people do not influence one another well— sometimes those people are blood relations.

i missed you!!! i missed you reviews! yes, i’m a giant dork, but that was already an established fact. =0D


btw, never heard of grouper before…. definitely decompressing.


Been there done that too, though it’s not so bad now for years part of the weekend would divulge into some sort of therapy / grievance session for perceived and real harms occurring in someone’s childhood. Things are much better, because one party has finally realised that they don’t need everyone to say they experienced the same thing to validate their grievances and the others meet much more often so everything doesn’t fall on Christmas anymore. In fact this time the only issue we had was convincing someone to stay over because they had had a little much. I went through a period where going home was stressful as vwell and I tended to meet my mother elsewhere. So my sympathies and yay for Kitty’s who seem to know just what we need at times!


yes, yay cats! :D

i’m sorry to hear that yyz, and hear ya on the “weekly therapy/grievance session” stuff for sure. thank goodness for growing in maturity over time and for hugs both in person and online from people who understand.

James, i only just discovered her because of end-of-year “best of” album lists (ditto for the knife). i really loved early 4AD-type his name is alive back in the day, and she kind of reminds me of that. oh, and “sometimes people do not influence one another well”—yes, exactly, alas.


ohoh, and i meant to say too, aw that’s very touching of you to say you missed my posts James! i’ve definitely missed steepster. it’s nice to talk to you guys again!


Love this post! Glad you survived the holiday trip, and happy new year!


Happy new year to all of you guys right back atcha! And thank you very much for the support everyone. Steepsters are the sweetest. :)

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6117 tasting notes

Lost my tasting note on this, oops. Anyhow, I enjoyed this quite a bit. Loved the pralines flavour, and I think the tea would have been even better if I hadn’t been so stupid as to dunk the infuser basket into a resteep of Two Friends for a couple seconds before realizing my error (my intent was to put the basket of Two Friends in for a bit longer, but the water was still cooling for this tea, hence the basket was still sitting out, and for some reason, I grabbed the wrong basket…). Anyhow, that resteep sure tasted delicious, and I expect that when I give this a second try, it will be even better. Would love to see this one offered for sale (and the elusive Nutmeg Cream, which I have not tried!)

Also, thank you to Sil etc. for passing this along :) My original tasting note led off with this, but I clearly forgot to retype it.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Evidently those two will be available just until the end of February :)


OMG my hero. <3


Haha and I also saw a comment on a note today that some teas will be uploaded tomorrow.


I am excited too Kittenna! And like Courtney said, Stacy mentioned on my note for Peppermint Patty that she is posting these teas tomorrow.


Welp. Toronto tea friends, anyone else want an order from Butiki? :P


I want to split an order, but I’m in AB. Pout.


So what we really need is someone who’s travelling across Canada, starting in either Van/Vic or Toronto, and is willing to drop off tea in pretty much every province between the two, haha. Sad to say I’m not headed more than an hour away from where I am in the foreseeable future (I haven’t been to AB in aaaaaaaaages).


That is exactly what we need. I haven’t been to ON in ages haha! I have stopovers there when I fly home, but unfortunately I don’t plan on flying home in time to disperse an order. :P


:D I’d be willing to pay for shipping, but I have no Paypal monies.


I don’t mind paying shipping either once it gets to Canada. I was doing that for a while when my friend was in SK, but now she’s gone for a while.


I am open to whatever. Just WANT. THESE. TEAS. Haha.

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1501 tasting notes

Unique tea! Really glad I grabbed the Amoda box for a few months to try this one out. Huge thanks to whomever gave me the heads up! Blanking out on who it was…

This smells very much like pralines, or at the very least, nuts. I can almost taste the nuts as I inhale, if that makes any sense at all. I’m fascinated and shocked by this blend – while it’s far from my favorite Butiki blend, it is superb, and Stacy has done an excellent job of blending two unique flavors into a green tea, well. I’ll likely be one of the folks who pass on this if it’s offered in the future, only because the flavors are a bit far from my favorite flavor profiles.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

i’m just settling into this sample!!! smells very intriguing…

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (207)

Thank you so much Josie Jade!! I am actually LOVING our swap. The portions are the perfect size to taste everything and for the most part the teas have been awesome. This is no exception. It definitely captures “praline” beautifully and has an amazing vanilla creaminess to it thanks to the eggnog. I would definitely buy more of this and Nutmeg Cream in a second because they are sooo good. However, I will say that this was best hot as it has lost just a touch a flavor as it cooled.

Flavors: Cream, Nuts, Vanilla

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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390 tasting notes

naturally very light and sweet. visually striking and festive with the bits of red dotting the tea…. i get a smell of something sweet, but not eggnog or praline. i also get a distinct nori component…. also a touch of bamboo?

very distinct.
very original.
very decadent.
not quite my thing though.

while i would never turn down a cup my beloved butiki lychee politely drop kicks it =0)

thanks so much to MissB for sharing!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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