Most of the time when I write tasting notes it’s from bed – maybe that’s TMI but it’s also relevant to why I drank this tea during the week. Directly across from my bed is one of several bookshelves I have with a combination of teaware, books, and tea on it. One of the baskets of tea is all my BrutaliTeas blends and this package was at the very front of the basket just poking out visably. It stared at me all week and finally a few days ago I finally just went “fuck it, let’s steep it” if for no other reason than to move the package out of eyesight.
It was good though! Plum is always so tricky and it’s a bit of a stretch here, but the top note roast of the Wuyi oolong is lovely and complex and the sip finishes with more of a sharp and slightly sour berry note that really conveys the schisandra in the blend. Not too sharp/sour and still supported with a little natural sweetness, though.