
Tea type
Black Green Blend
Black Tea, Cinnamon, Green Tea, Natural Flavours
Cinnamon, Cream, Eggnog, Nutmeg, Rum, Artificial, Cookie, Creamy, Custard, Sweet, Vanilla, Wax, Anise, Rice Pudding, Spices, Alcohol, Caramel, Sugar, Rooibos, White Chocolate, Grain, Grass, Bread, Cake, Clove, Tea, Honey
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Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 11 oz / 337 ml

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88 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Used to be I’d have to drive clear across the state (or at least a good way out of town) to find this fun and frolicky holiday-season-only tea. Couple of places have it locally now and I’m tickled...” Read full tasting note
  • “So much good stuff today. 1. I got to see my grandparents and cousins 2. My verdant tea of the month came in 3. And the world didn’t explode!f YAYYYY!!! So when I was at the store I noticed that...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have so many awesome loose leaf teas and yet for some reason all I could think about was the two teabags of this sitting in my box of swaps. I finally gave in and when I opened the package all I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I went to pick up some cream soda from the drugstore, and lo and behold they had a display of the Bigelow seasonal teas! Personally, I like bagged tea. Loose leaf is superior in almost every way...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

This “Eggceptional” winter tea is a smooth blend of black and green teas with the creamy flavor of Eggnog. Add a splash of milk and sweetener for a sweet creamy treat

black and green tea, natural eggnog flavor with other natural flavors (soy lecithin), cinnamon

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88 Tasting Notes

3005 tasting notes

Used to be I’d have to drive clear across the state (or at least a good way out of town) to find this fun and frolicky holiday-season-only tea. Couple of places have it locally now and I’m tickled to death.

There are other vanilla/cinnamon teas that may come kinda-sorta close to this one (thinking about Trader Joe’s with the little lemur on the box) but this is my absolute favorite when it comes to accurately catching the egg-sence of eggnog.

Straight up at my desk, but infinitely better with a dollop of evaporated milk.

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143 tasting notes

So much good stuff today.
1. I got to see my grandparents and cousins
2. My verdant tea of the month came in
3. And the world didn’t explode!f YAYYYY!!!

So when I was at the store I noticed that they had just two more boxes left of this, so I bought them. That means I currently have 3 boxes unopened of this flavor….. totally not hording or stocking up on this flavor. (B^>)

Made some of this for me and my brother. I FINALLY FOUND A TEA HE LIKES!!! MUAHAHAHHA!!!! We were going to watch some anime, but he started to play LOL…. ugh

At least it has FINALLY got’n cold here. It is kinda nice for a change; plus I can wear my leathers more comfortably too.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Stockpiling. So that’s where all of the boxes are going ;)

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6444 tasting notes

I have so many awesome loose leaf teas and yet for some reason all I could think about was the two teabags of this sitting in my box of swaps. I finally gave in and when I opened the package all I could smell was a scent I could only describe as eggnog. Tbh, I could be completely wrong as the last time I had eggnog was like 4 years ago and I hated it but something about this tea just appealed to me.

Now I am not sure if it is the smell that is so strong or it is actually the taste but this tea is eggy for sure, in a good way. There is a creaminess to it and a hint of cinnamon spice. All made better by a delicious vanilla sweetness. This tea is exactly what I expected. I have one more tea bag left and then I will simply need to wait until next Christmas and go in search of it in stores. Thank you Eve for sharing!!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

I’ve personally never had anything eggnog flavoured that I can call a favourite…but this looks really interesting!


The one time I had eggnog I hated it. This, on the other hand, is quite tasty. Maybe I am just more open to it because it is tea and I love tea. Haha.

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470 tasting notes

I went to pick up some cream soda from the drugstore, and lo and behold they had a display of the Bigelow seasonal teas! Personally, I like bagged tea. Loose leaf is superior in almost every way but sometimes you just want it to be really simple. And when I’m sick/busy/lazy, bagged tea is what I turn to. So I’ve been on the hunt for these and the Celestial Seasonings ones as well! Oh and the Stash White Christmas if I find it laying around.

This smells SO strongly of eggnog! One of my favorite holiday treats, bu the dairy does make me a bit nauseous. So I love tea substitutes! With milk and sugar this has a really strong eggnog flavor and a mild black tea taste. Super delicious! Without additions it’s not really very strong tasting, but with them it’s great. Like a creamy chai. I think I’ll have no trouble blowing through a box of these this holiday season. Now to find Candy Cane Lane!


A favorite of mine, too. Bigelow and Twinings are good, reliable stand-by bagged brands. Allowing for the occasional “that’s just not my flavor” I have found few of either company that I didn’t think was good.


…and cream soda! Yum! Haven’t had that in ages!


Twinnings is definitely my go-to bagged tea company, I adore their Lady Grey and their Lemon & Ginger and Peppermint I absolutely can’t live without when I am sick!


Mmmm Drat…for days been missing A&W’s Cream Soda, the only cream soda that I’ve gotten addicted to. (Well ok I did like New York Seltzer’s Cream Soda alot too.)

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433 tasting notes

YESSSSS, I found this at a local store for the first time ever! Bought 5 boxes (and considering going back for more since it was on sale, which I didn’t know when I was at the register). SO EXCITED. ahem Anyway, this tea is just as excellent as it was the last time I had it, so there’s not much else to add. Ignore me, I’ll just continue squeeing in the corner!

5 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Alphakitty
I just might be the last person on steepster to try this.

I’m not really a fan of Eggnog. Never really have been. But I will say – this aroma is – SPOT ON! You can’t get any closer than this!

It says it’s a black and green combo/blend base…I can taste more of the green than the black. I can taste a WHOLE LOT OF CREAMY and it’s much like Eggnog. I will also say that it’s a highly flavored bagged tea – it surprises me actually.

As it cools a bit it smells more like butterscotch. It’s pleasant enough. The flavor and aroma is what you would expect with a name like this. I’m not overly fond of the aftertaste but I can’t say much bad about the over all flavored bagged tea experience.

I’m sure glad I got to try this! Thanks again, Alphakitty!

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206 tasting notes

Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm! I got this one when I visited my dad in Huntington Beach. I’ve had a few times now but yesterday I steeping it in warm milk for work and oh man! This is great!!!!! It’s super creamy and naturally sweet! The spices are all there. This does have a hint of white chocolate flavor. This is also good as a latte but this is definitely my preferred preparation. All frothy and steamy and a dash of cinnamon on top, creamy goodness! Deeee liccccc ousssss!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Oooh. I had no idea this existed. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Love Eggnogg anything :)

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1118 tasting notes

So today’s been horrible. Had this tea and a chocolate chip cookie for dinner. Now I’m going to bed a praying that tomorrow is better. Please let it be better.

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4324 tasting notes

2024 Holiday tea #11

Delicious as usual. I will say, I’m glad I don’t rely on grocery store chains for teas. I have seen NONE of the holiday teas. Not from Bigelow, Celestial Seasonings, etc. Someone let me know if they see Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Sweet out in the wild!


I will keep an eye out for it here!


Thanks – it would just be great to know which store it is possibly located this year. :)

Cameron B.

Stores near me never carry any of them… :|


I found Gingerbread spice in a Walmart, and only got one box!?! I’ve never ordered directly from celestial, but that may be the way to go.

Sakura Sushi

I thought it was just me! Two years ago I could find Bigelow seasonal teas at my local supermarket – both for fall and for winter/holidays. Nothing the last two years. I figured they didn’t sell well so the stores stopped carrying them.


I always wonder how stores find room for seasonal things, so maybe that is the problem…


Endcaps. Endcaps are where I find the bulk of the seasonal items. That or the cardboard stands stuck in the isles.

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358 tasting notes

-Standard teabag.
-Teabag smells strongly of sugar. Tea liquor smells sugary with a hint of cinnamon.
-Tea liquor is a dark bronze color.
-Creamy eggnog flavor with a subtle cinnamon finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Creamy and flavorful. Perfect on a cold winter day.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Bigelow Tea

Thanks so much for your review of the Eggnogg’n Tea, very pleased to hear you found it so enjoyable
Kathy for Bigelow Tea

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