Always I return, or I should say, come home to a cup of green tea; after having experimented with another fruitier tea, as I did with previous post.
Tea is golden in color.
Tea’s aroma is that of green tea, a slight grassy / green vegetal scent and upon tasting, it is not astringent but clean and smooth on the palette.
I like this green tea by Bentley since it is clean, in that it holds to the flavor found in the cup and has no off tastes.
I know that I am drinking a cup of fine green tea, it is smooth, and as I breathe in more of the aroma I can note the oceanic smell at the bottom of cup as it rises to meet my nostrils. I don’t think drinking green tea absence of sugar, milk, or honey can be appreciated by those not liking tea. It truly is an acquired taste. You either like green tea or you don’t.