Mini Chang-an Lucky Coins

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Pu'erh Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The after lunch pu-erh. Weather is warming up in San Francisco and I do think I might have issues keeping up this daily pu-erh drinking when it’s warm and sunny because the tea seems a bit heavy....” Read full tasting note
  • “Special thanks to Amy for sending me some really fine coinage! :)) Seriously, the Chinese used tea as a form of currency and barter exchange. I really like this so on to the review. I used 1/2 a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Quick Note Thanks Amy oh for sharing with me :) This notes are from my steeps at work (more traditional longer steeps than I usually do in gaiwan). 1st – 30secs Earthy with apparent sweetness, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “I tasted this today at the LA International Tea Festival while visiting the Bana Tea booth. Aside from a very lovely experience of getting to meet the owner of Bana(at least I think she was), I...” Read full tasting note

From Bana Tea Company

Weight: 120 grams (as twelve 10g mini coins)
Type: Ripe Pu-erh (fermented)
Grade: 2-4
Production area: Lincang Prefecture, Yunnan Province

Taste characteristics:
Using the same leaves as the Chang-an loose leaf Ripe Pu-erh, the Mini Chang-an Lucky Coins are made for convenient brewing. The round cylinder contains twelve 10g baby cakes that have a creased diameter so they can be easily broken into two 5g pieces if desired. No need for breaking up a tea cake or measuring the amount of tea leaves, the Mini Lucky Coins are a perfect size for brewing tea in the office or away from home.

Made from old arbor trees, this tea is smooth and rich and has a sweet after taste. Another proud product of Master Vesper Chan, it is one of the few high quality ripe Pu-erhs in the industry.

About Bana Tea Company View company

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10 Tasting Notes

2816 tasting notes

The after lunch pu-erh. Weather is warming up in San Francisco and I do think I might have issues keeping up this daily pu-erh drinking when it’s warm and sunny because the tea seems a bit heavy. Perhaps some shorter infusions would solve the problem. I wonder if anyone here has ever cold brewed a pu-erh? I might need to try it!

update: the tea was still good after I added a couple of ice cubes and some soy milk. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 30 sec
Tommy Toadman

I have sun-brewed a puerh before, it turned out pretty good, i drank it iced :)


I’m going to try it!

Tommy Toadman

Awesome! We use glass when we make the sun tea cuz plastic for some reason makes it taste funny to me.


Did you get it on eBay?


no to Ebay – I didn’t even realize they had pu-erhs. Do you buy from there?


I do, but not that much lately. A lot of counterfeit Pu Erhs circling there, and I usually go for auctions.


yeah I’m a little leery, would rather buy from someone I trust…


I would avoid all teas and food items sold on ebay.

Charles Thomas Draper

I cold brewed the Teavivre Shu. It was ok. Much better brewed and than chilled as opposed to a traditional cold brew….


Good to know, Charles…

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111 tasting notes

Special thanks to Amy for sending me some really fine coinage! :)) Seriously, the Chinese used tea as a form of currency and barter exchange. I really like this so on to the review.

I used 1/2 a coin for this tasting and drank three delicious cups. In the wet leaves I smelled a toasty and sweet aroma. The cup is very dark and sweet smelling. I just love Puerh teas (the few that I’ve tried). This cup was no exception-velvety smooth, sweet, and delicious! The main flavor note I get here is mushrooms. My second cup was steeped at 1 minute and roughy same temp. An even deeper color greets my eyes. The aromas are slightly deeper as the wet leaves have a more toasty aroma to them. The cup has more depth of flavor too, with even more sweet mushrooms. My last cup (212 for 3 min) was still a delicious sweet cup with good flavor, but not as much depth as the second.

I’m not sure I get the “fishy” quality that alot of people talk of. Maybe it just doesn’t exist here at such short steeps.

For the second 1/2 coin, I decided to do longer steeps to experience the deeper flavors. My first cup steeped at 180 for 3 minutes. Now the aroma really comes out of the wet leaves! Really toasty and wood-like. Deeply inhaling I get intense toasty…….like a roasted marshmallow sweetness. What a toasty sweet aromatic cup before me. Much deeper flavors here-toasty, woody, very sweet and smooth! I’m still getting mushrooms, and….wait…fishy? Maybe some fishiness here. At least I think this is what others describe as the fish-like quality of Puerhs. If so it is mild, and I like fish, so it only adds to the depth of flavor.

My second cup was at a gentle boil for 5 min. I think having only two cups was a good choice as my second cup was similar to the first. Toasty, roasted marshmallows, mushrooms….and fishy?! Maybe a little more “fishy” than the first cup, but still a secondary flavor and still mild to me. What a delicious cup!

What I take with me with this tea experience is that I like to brew Puerhs in shorter steeps like my first 1/2 coin, and with the deeper flavors and aromas of the second 1/2 coin. It just depends on my mood. I like the dark sweetness of the cups. I like all their flavors, and still with the longer steeps-smooth and sweet with no bitterness. A little “fishy” maybe, but not offensive.

I will definitely explore more Puerhs in the future! Thanks again Amy. :)) One coin down, one to go. How should I brew it…….by the 1/2 coin? Should use the whole coin next time? Maybe I’ll flip a coin and throw caution to the wind. :)) WWWHHHEEE!

Cupped: Tuesday & Monday, February 21 & 27, 2012.

Reviewed: Sunday, March 4, 2012.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 30 sec

Eh, I don’t know. People comment on puerhs being fishy all of the time but I never really noticed it with any of mine. Maybe I’m immune to it, I don’t know. I did have one recently that smelled really weird, I’ve been told that is not a sign of a quality pu-erh.


I also steep puerhs for 30 -60 seconds usually and I rinse mine first. That seems to be the way the Chinese do it. :)


Some of the puerhs from A Southern Season definitely have that low tide vibe going on. Fish and shrimp shells! Most that I have tried are just earthy though. I just set three tuo chas out to air a bit to get rid of some of that seaside aroma!


Sounds wonderful!


These coins were not really fishy to me…….it’s just that I picked up on a flavor note that others may be picking up on and describing as fishy. I think I’m immune to it too, and besides I like fish, so if it is there I LOVE IT!

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187 tasting notes

Quick Note Thanks Amy oh for sharing with me :) This notes are from my steeps at work (more traditional longer steeps than I usually do in gaiwan).

1st – 30secs Earthy with apparent sweetness, and VERY smooth, I would describe it as an ‘oily’/buttery feeling that coats your tongue. As it washes down it continues to be mellow and smooth and offers hints of toasty coffee and/or cocoa. There’s a slight bitterness that might be attributed to the cocoa/coffee or even slight leather taste to it that is pleasant. The aftertaste is sweet and smooth.

2nd – 35secs More toasty and cocoa-like taste that smooths into a mellow sweetness with cocoa notes. The coating of the tongue is present before it washes down and becomes slightly cleaner. The aftertaste is sweet and just slightly refreshing.

Final Notes
I made 2 other steeps with this one adding around 15-20secs to each. They were both good just a bit of astringency that may be due to the breaking of the cake in half (the coin shape) than the actual tea.

This is a great option for an every day puerh, it is easy to prepare and enjoy and it is surprisingly smooth for its age. At work is was pretty satisfying but if you want to explore its ‘notes’ I’d recommend using a gaiwan at home. It was easier for me that way.


I’m glad you liked it!


I did! Thank you for sharing! I had it at home in a gaiwan two weeks ago and brought the other half to work. Cold Weather + Ripe Puerh = awesome!


yeah we got a bit of chill today so I’m having a shu puerh myself. :)

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57 tasting notes

I tasted this today at the LA International Tea Festival while visiting the Bana Tea booth. Aside from a very lovely experience of getting to meet the owner of Bana(at least I think she was), I tasted several tea’s and this one in particular stood out as a nice alternative for a good everyday pu-erh.

Now, drinking it at home, this tea tastes even better. Light the first infusions with a super smooth and slightly creamy texture, with a very light hint of earthiness. Feels almost like comfort food… if that even makes sense.

I’m overall glad I purchased this, tasted even better than expected. A more detailed note coming soon.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

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3478 tasting notes

Steepster has GOT to be eating my tasting notes, because I can’t believe that I haven’t written one on this tea before. I have had gallons of it.

This is my puerh of the evening, hoping to combat the kind of horrible reflux that awakened me in the wee hours this morning.

This tea comes as small coin shapes that are scored across the middle so they easily break in half, somewhat like a tuocha in volume and diameter. I have had my “tube” for over a year. It was a Christmas surprise from hubby, purchased at Tin Roof Teas in Raleigh, NC..

This is an earthy puerh, not too strong and not fishy. I made two steps with a half coin, and the color is a medium orange “normal” black tea color, not the inky black you sometimes get with shu puerh.

This has been especially delightful tonight, as it is getting a wonderful oily body as it cools a little in the pot. I would call it creaminess, but when that thick mouthfeel appears in a puerh with mineral taste added in, I always think of oil, the way Murphy’s Oil Soap smells to me.

Good stuff! I will probably get another three steps or so out of this tomorrow.


these are great, I have some too :)


My wife and I are visiting my family near Raleigh this month. I’m trying to convince her to pass Tin Roof Teas while we can! However, within the next few months, I can make the trip more often, considering the (hopeful) move down to N.C.


Raleigh has Angelina’s teas too I think.


mrmopar – Angelina’s is in Winston Salem apparently. I looked it up and that seems to be the closest one. I have never been.


Rufus – Come on down! Our new neighbors right across the street just moved here from Ohio! They liked the warmth and the housing prices. My sister-in-law is from Ohio, too.


ashmanra- We plan on doing so! My wife is from Goldsboro, and wants to head on back there!


Yep, I stand corrected. Not sure why I thought Raleigh.


Rufus I used to have family in Goldsboro and Burgaw. Small world.

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