Today at work was almost but not quite as bad as I expected. I worked three of the four Research Assists, including the one where the pharmacy was insisting the patient was not in the hospital. I finally obtained proof of the patient’s admission and sent a copy to the Contact Center for them to tell the pharmacy to shut it. That sounds rude, and I guess it is, but really, I can’t wave a magic wand and issue payment when it isn’t allowed. The pharmacy will need to submit the claim to the correct carrier to receive payment.
Anyway, I have a sample of this tea. It sounded so good. I brewed it exactly per the instructions, but it was bitter. Maybe I over leafed, or 5 minutes was too long. Generally I steep black teas for 3 minutes or so. I rarely add anything to my tea, but I added a couple of the rock sugar from Teavana to it and it was better that way. When I re-steeped I let it go only 3 minutes and it was much less bitter.
I really love it when a tea company allows online orders of samples. Some don’t, and if they are a new-to-me company I probably won’t order from them. But when I can order four or five samples I am far more likely to find a tea I love and of which I will order 50 or 100 grams. This tea won’t be a re-order, but I’m really glad I got to try it. I’ll finish the sample with a little sugar additive, and less steeping time. I may update my rating then.