Red Clover

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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From Alvita


In Shakespearean times, Red Clover(Trifolium pratense) was known as “Honey Stalks” because it was so liked by bees. Red Clover is one of the world’s oldest agricultural crops, cultivated since prehistoric times, and has a long history as a religious and magical symbol.

Early Christians linked the plant to the Trinity, and during the Middle Ages, it was considered a charm against evil. The four-leaf clover , an occasional variety resulting from mutation, was and still is considered a sign for luck.

Red Clover was also the model for the “clubs” suit in playing cards. Among the largest of the various clover species, Red Clover has a celebrated reputation for its health properties. Red Clover has a celebrated reputation for its health properties.

Red Clover has a delicate flavor that can be brewed and served hot or cold and sweetened with honey. Many enjoy Red Clover tea mixed with Chamomile tea.

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1 Tasting Note

6768 tasting notes

I don’t believe the water was hot enough or the teabag was steeped long enough by the pourer at the tasting this evening…but…

It was next to clear in color – pale yellow tint with little to no scent. It tasted like warm water. Nothing else really to say. It wasn’t bad it just didn’t look, smell, or taste like much.


Red Clover kind of day, was it? :-)


Well, no…it was just what they were sampling at the ‘tea talk’ I went to…but, in fact, we didn’t sample any actual TEA…only herbal tisanes.


Tea=Bliss, The next time you get an invite from these people play sick.

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