297 Tasting Notes
I wasn’t quite getting a watermelon scent from the dry notes. Definetly fruity though.
Upon steeping the smell nauseated me, I definetly would not be able to drink this one hot. Once I poured it over ice it had a very slight pink colour, but was more yellowish. I couldn’t wait to take a slurp of this. I got no watermelon flavour from it. It tasted like bubble gum (similar to Teaopia’s Aztec Gold, except more flavourful).
All in all I enjoyed the tea, just wished it tasted more like watermelon
I have only recently started enjoying green teas with fruit flavourings in them.
The dry notes were spectacularly fruity. I wasn’t quite getting the mango scent, perhaps more of the passionfruit (although I’ve never tried an actual passion fruit).
Once steeped I found it lost much of it’s fruity scent, so I added a touch of honey just in case. This tea was nice & light & refreshing. I found there was very little green tea taste (which is great for me, probably less so for someone who loves the taste of green tea).
Had this baby iced this morning. The scent from the bag is freakin’ splendid. So much mango.
I was a little disappointed to see so little tea in the base.
So I scooped out some scoops that had lots of tea & then threw in a few chuncks of the fruit.
It’s so mango-ey, like eating a real juicy mango. It did lack the white tea base flavour (which is fine by me), but I did pay the white tea price so I would have enjoyed a bit more white tea in it.
Oh me oh my! This tea smells so divine. So much pomegranate. I was suprised to see as many pomegranate seeds as I did. So much sticky-goodness.
It brewed to be a nice pink-red pomegranate colour. And man did it ever taste like eating a fresh pomegranate.
I made mine as an iced tea. The pomegegranate came through nicely & the white tea was sitting there along side it.
I’m not positive how I feel about this tea. It’s got a certain smell to it (almost an old smell?). Although I just ordered a black from 52 teas that also has a hint of this same smell.
The smell is still there after steeping & comes through in the taste as well, although not as strong as the scent, thankfully.
I get the cinnamon & a hint of raisins. I think I am almost getting a toast smell, but no butter.
It’s quite good. Buttered Cinnamon Raisin bread is one of my fav breakfast treats. This tea doesn’t quite substitute for it, but pretty close.
The dry notes smells lightly of peach, not as much as I was hopeing for, I’m getting another scent from it, strong- kind of fruity, not sure what it is.
Once steeped the scent of peach comes through a bit more, but I’m still mostly getting the other scent from it. Upon drinking it I discover NO peach flavour :( and the taste of which I smell, and I definetly do not like it.
I received this generous offering from Kally Tea for helping them out. I was astonished that they sent me so much. It smells good, but the cherry was a little medicinal, like cherry cough medicine, but you got that delicious banana chip smell.
Once brewed the scent stayed, however it doesn’t taste medicinal like it smelt. It tastes like cherries & banana chips. So good! Even my daughter likes this one.
The leaves smell so much like lemon, as it does once it’s brewed. I had this as an iced tea & had to add lemon juice because I found it lost some of that lemon flavour & tasted more like black tea. This was like a traditional iced tea you would buy in a bottle at the grocery store.
Oh how devine is the smell of this Oolong? Once brewed I find it looses much of the nutty, sweet smell & smells simply like tea (tea? you say, shouldn’t it smell like it? I only like flavoured tea though). Although there was a slight nutty taste, I could mostly taste the oolong, which as of right now I am not a big fan of.