Thanks Epi Tea for the samples of sachets!
I smelled this bag before putting it in the mug. Definitely did not like the smell. I absolutely adore blood oranges and it doesn’t smell like them at all. Side note: I saw “red orange” juice at the grocery store the other day. Red orange. It’s a blood orange, vampires are in, I bet it’d sell more juice.
I got a new mug yesterday! How adorable is this, and it was only $5 He’s got some ridiculous heat retention going on making it take forever for me to be able to take a sip.
I didn’t let the sachet steep too long in hopes of avoiding the cough syrupy taste and it seems to work. It’s pretty strong on the red rooibos flavor, so I can see how it can easily turn into that flavor. Sadly, that’s not the problem. I’m getting it and it all lies in the aftertaste. It tastes pretty fantastic beforehand, a really nice mix of rooibos and citrus, but if I take too long to finish my sip, there starts to be a syrupy sweetness that lingers in my throat. It’s not too pleasant but it wouldn’t cause me to stop drinking the cup.
Beyond that, this is enjoyable. Maybe not particularly blood orange, but pretty close. Definitely reminds me of Torani’s blood orange syrup more than cough syrup in the aftertaste.
OH wow. I thought I was the only one who noted a vintage nyquil quality to this lol. Nice mug! I love owls!! :D
I love them too! I realized with this mug, there is starting to be too many owl things but I won’t stop until someone else notices.
OH wow. I thought I was the only one who noted a vintage nyquil quality to this lol. Nice mug! I love owls!! :D
I love them too! I realized with this mug, there is starting to be too many owl things but I won’t stop until someone else notices.
Every knick knack I own is either owl, cat, or octopi related….so don’t feel bad.