790 Tasting Notes
Yum. The dry leaf smells like molasses and hay. The flavor is indeed plummy as their description says. A good heft of malt. A very classic taste. I can’t remember any more what the full leaf Nahorhabi from Harney tasted like but being from the same estate, I can’t imagine it was too different and I loved that one as well. Might have been a different flush, though, no idea and Harney only offers broken leaf now, which I don’t care for as much.
Entering this here as they don’t have it listed yet on their website. This is the GFOP loose leaf single estate Assam from Chota Tingrai tea estate by Mana Organics.
Holy cats but this is some malty awesomeness. The leaves are nothing special to look at but they are amazing to smell and taste. Wow is all I am capable of at the moment. 5 grams for 12 ounces of water at 205F for 3 minutes. No bitterness, not even a hint. However, as the liquor cools, a dryness sets in. Still not bitter, but not quenching. Need to try it iced next. But hot – I need to have this around all the time for sure.
Not rating as this is on Random but I’d be giving it 100 if it were on the actual tea listing.
Finally getting around to trying this one. Such an aesthetically pleasing tea.
Smells strongly of pecan in the dry leaf. Steepings lead first to strong pecan notes, which is really nice. I’ve not had a pecan tea that brought pecans into the flavor without maple. I didn’t get any cocoa until the last 2 steeps of 6 but then it came out and replaced the pecan. An enjoyable transition. The pecan and cocoa melded nicely with the base. This was a nice, pleasant way to spend the evening.
Really well done.
This is soupy, savory, some marine overtones – umami in a big way.
The taste stays with you as the broth coats your tongue and mouth. With the addition of fish or vegetables, this would make an excellent soup base. A really interesting tea that is far out of my normal likes but this one, while not one I would reach for simply due to personal taste preferences, is a highly interesting green that I would not turn down if offered. And I’m going to be experimenting with that soup idea sooner or later…
This is a seriously tasty blend. I picked it up looking for a Meyer Lemon tea after having had a Meyer lemon caradmom iced chai. This doesn’t fit the bill for that, but it’s a really good tea nonetheless. The lemon is strong and natural tasting, with rose a perfect complement. I always prefer green rooibos over red and this no exception. I don’t know that I could tell you what it tastes like in the blends I’ve had it in but it doesn’t add any unpleasant notes. :)
A nommy tea both cold and hot. Makes a really fine granita as well.
It was – it surprised me. I thought I wouldn’t like it. But the caradmom being the only spice made it really subtle and light. I’m going to try adding cardamom to this tea and see how it goes.
Finally, a note about Art of Tea’s Meyer Lemon. I’ve been interested to see what people think.
I have a black Meyer Lemon Cream and a green Rooibos Meyer Lemon Cream. My own creations, but both are blended for me by AOT because no flavor companies were doing a Meyer lemon flavor at the time (about 5 years ago). AOT since came out with their own, the one you’ve just reviewed. I spent a year with them going back and forth with samples and tastings before finalizing the recipe I preferred. They are both top selling teas in my line.
My tea was one of the reasons I joined Steepster, because I wanted to have it recorded as being mine, before other Meyer lemon teas followed. A favorite flavor idea, I was anxious to be one of the first. There was only the Stash tea to be found by the time I got mine done. So, that’s my story.
If you would like to sample, send me a message.
Finally picked up some of this and I’m pretty glad i did.
This is molasses brown bread with some mild peppery notes and honey notes. I let it steep a couple minutes too long so the honey is kind of a burnt honey. I don’t get any citrus in the aftertaste but the burnt honey and pepper do linger. Looking forward to another try paying more attention to the time. So silly, I measured the leaves, got the water temp according to recommendations, looked at the time then wandered off and got distracted. :)
I have now tried this 4 different ways now:
3 g, 3 min @ 212F
3 g, 3 min @ 185F
2 g, 3 min @ 175F
2 g, 2 min @ 212F
The best without being too bitter was 3 min @ 175F. It’s drinkable but nothing outstanding. It’s a BOP with small leaves of uniform color. Kind of makes me sad because I love this company’s packaging and it’s nothing I’ll keep around.
I love that this is a family estate selling their own teas. I also love that the founder is a tea grower and a woman. It makes for a trifecta of unusual. They were super nice to chat with at WTE.
It’s nicely malty, moderately brisk and also smooth. Not sure about milk and sugar with it, it might just hide the tea flavor.
While I would prefer to have this in loose format, it’s a more than acceptable sachet that I would keep on hand. I am tickled that they now have a US site so I can get more than just this one sample!
Trying the 2015 version this morning. I had been avoiding opening it until I used up the 2014 but I couldn’t help myself any longer. This is the 2015 Summer blend.
Pure brown sugar and molasses with enough bite to make you know you have a tiger of an Assam blend. Followed my normal method of Western steep at just off boiling for 3+ minutes then let it cool for about 5 minutes. That step of cooling from scalding hot to warm seems to make all the difference in bringing out the malty, sweet notes in an Assam, at least for me.
It’s been so long since I had GTT/Vadham’s Signature Malt Assam I can’t remember which one I preferred – this one or that one. But this is a wonderful Assam.
Ian says there’s a package waiting for me for when I get home next week! Thank you thank you!
Yay!! :)
need to let me know if there are things i can send your way that you want to try. I haven’t bought as much tea this year, but there are some new things in my cupboard :)