drank 2001 Iron Zhongcha by Teas We Like
298 tasting notes

Have had this twice now, with similar ish ratios (5.5 or 6.5 g to 90ml). Once with gaiwan, once in zhuni, both boiling. It’s decent, but I don’t think I’ll buy it because I hate dealing with iron cakes. It takes one rinse to open up the chunk slightly, and then another longer rinse to soften it so it’s able to be fully picked apart. Even then I have to use my fingers to separate chunks into manageable pieces which is fine for drinking alone if a real hassle, but I would definitely not do if I was brewing for others.

Wet leaf: sweet (tomato-like?), woody, light smoke, pond

Taste is mostly woody, grass jelly, herbal/medicinal, sometimes apple-like and bitter adjacent but not quite bitter in the oversteeped heizhuan/fu way. Good texture, though taste isn’t terribly exciting most of the time. Which is a good thing, i think, since it seems clean. Feeling is comfortable, slightly warming. It’s in a good spot as far as I can tell, though for price point, I think I’m leaning towards caking the 7532 TWL carries.

Marshall Weber

Were you able to find samples of these? I thought TWL doesn’t really sell samples. Would love to try some of their teas before dropping hundreds on a cake haha


Sample trade with a tea friend! Really the only way, since due to the logistics complications, I doubt TWL will ever sell samples of these cakes.

Marshall Weber

Ahh I figured. Yea it’s unfortunate because I was hoping there were some samples available somewhere haha

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Marshall Weber

Were you able to find samples of these? I thought TWL doesn’t really sell samples. Would love to try some of their teas before dropping hundreds on a cake haha


Sample trade with a tea friend! Really the only way, since due to the logistics complications, I doubt TWL will ever sell samples of these cakes.

Marshall Weber

Ahh I figured. Yea it’s unfortunate because I was hoping there were some samples available somewhere haha

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Just a chronicle of a stranger’s tea journey. Keeping old notes up to see progression, but no longer really believe in all of them. Trying to learn!! Weekend warrior mostly now; work is tough.

As of 4/21/21, I will no longer assign numerical ratings to a tea unless it is terrible enough to warrant one. There are a fair amount of solid teas out there, and reading mildly subjective reviews from others > very subjective numerical rating that gets skewed by Steepster’s calculating system anyway.



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