First off the aroma is amazing! If you close your pot with the dry leaves for a bit before smelling you get the perfect smell of ginger bread cookies. Yum!
The first pot I steeped a bit short so I didn’t get as much of the ginger flavor that I would have liked (I happen to love ginger, so this may be a good thing for other tea drinkers), but the sweetness and wet leaves of the puerh is nice and mellow with a tiny bit of pleasant astringency.
Second pot: Distracted by work so this one brewed up a bit longer and darker. Love the aroma of ginger and puerh. The ginger is more apparent now, but I don’t detect much of the orange peel though it may well be the influence that makes the tea taste like ginger bread cookies while held in the mouth. The aftertaste leans more towards ginger, but it’s gentle and quite pleasant.
Third pot got a super long steep and was absolutely glorious.