We were in Wilmington and went to a fabulous cupcake shop on the way out of town. Much to my surprise, they had a bunch of tea from this “Old Wilmington Tea Co” that I hadn’t heard of before. Thinking it’d be fun to have some tea from a local tea company, I started looking through all the teas they had. Each tin of tea had a clear glass bowl showing the leaves, and when I came across this one I knew it was the one I was meant to buy. It’s cupcake tea by the Old Wilmington Tea Co in a cupcake shop in Wilmington!
When we got back home, I opened the tin to see a few sprinkles scattered throughout. The smell is incredible. 4/5 people I’ve shown it to said it does smell just like cake. The fifth said it was like maple syrup. Still a good smell!
The tea itself was delicious. It’s super sweet. The sprinkles nearly melted, giving the tea sweetener without any doctoring up. I don’t always love vanilla tea, but it really works in this cup. I’ve already had a second cup and can tell that it’s going to be a winner in my collection!