6117 Tasting Notes

drank Mocha Matcha by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 7)
2022 Sipdown 1/365!

Mastress Alita’s Sipdown Challenge January 2022: Latte

First sipdown of the year! And realizing that I’m already nicely behind on any sipdown per day goal I might be entertaining, though to be fair, I don’t like sipping down teas while sick, unless they’re gross or duplicates.

Made this as a “latte”; I think I tasted more mocha than I have in the past, although it was still kind of muted. Wouldn’t turn this down if offered, but not buying more.

(Also, yes I stole the sipdown tagline formatting from Crowkettle – thank you!)


Sipping tea while sick is oddly the last thing I like to do, also. Having tea is an experience to wind down before or after a long day; or during a moment of reflection walking, driving, reading, gaming, etc. Being sick, I just want to sleep and drink tomato soup. Hoping you’re feeling better!


A sipdown a day sounds very ambitious!

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drank Eggnog Matcha by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 6)

Had a couple “lattes” with this one lately. I think it would be more satisfying if I didn’t still have actual eggnog in my fridge. However, it might be one of the more flavourful ones i’ve had lately? I do like the spicing.

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(DavidsTea 2022: 5)

We are back in “self-isolation” after a sudden fever in my toddler on Saturday night. He was fine the next morning, but the lovely new rules and lack of testing availability in Ontario mean we have to assume it was covid. Really cramping my plans of easing into one-parent mat leave (husband went back to work last week) when we can’t access my planned outside help (grandparent, daycare). Frustrating! Been starting my 2-kid days of isolation with matcha “lattes” (just made with half water/half milk, no fancy frothing) in an attempt to have enough energy. I’m not sure it’s working, but that could be related to lack of sleep and recovering from sickness. Also, my toddler is obsessed with colour-changing mugs, so this kills two birds with one stone as I get a hit of caffeine + entertain him for a few minutes!

Anyhow, this was one matcha latte in a long line to come, most of which haven’t been quite as satisfying as I want but were fine. I want this to be more BERRIES, especially since I’m kind of taking care of the cream aspect with the milk. It’s fine, but I just want more.


Hope your toddler feels better soon! Being sick or having sick family members is never fun and the self-isolation is an extra blow.


Thanks! He seems to be ok although his appetite is kind of small (sore throat??) but the isolation reaaalllly sucks. I have more empathy for people who’ve had to do it in the past, for sure.

Evol Ving Ness

Hope all this gets a bit lighter for you soon, Kittena.

Thank heavens for tea.


We are doing something similar. The 9yr old was exposed in class and sniffly 2 days later, so the school presumes a positive and with 3 positives the class goes into remote learning for a week. The district has no guidance on what they want done with siblings of presumed positive kids, so the 12yr old is home this week too with nothing to do. Pandemic parenting is the best! :/

Lexie Aleah

Hang in there! My friend’s husband traveled to another state on a fishing trip with his dad for two weeks. I was supposed to stay with her and help watch her kids. Unfortunately, they got Covid from some other kids at school right when it opened again around November. She was on her own with both kids while also working which wasn’t easy but she was vaccinated.

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drank Silver Bell Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 4)

Got more jasmine this time, alongside the milk oolong. I feel like this is a blend I could make myself, though.

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drank Coconut Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 3)

Hmmm, to decide what this year’s tea goals should be. Maybe I’ll meet them this year?

I think I’m going to go with running through each 52teas tea I own, plus each DavidsTea, while still trying to get those elusive sipdowns in there. (I’m going to restart my DavidsTea count, I think. Going to go back and edit the other notes I’ve made for teas consumed in 2022 once I sort this out.

Anyhow, this tea is the same as always, nice oolong flavour and dry creamy-ish coconut. A good tea when in the mood, but I’m not always in the mood for it.

Evol Ving Ness

This one is very lovely. However, with the very in your face coconut, I really have to be in the mood for it.

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2021 Sipdown 127/365!

Well, this was the last sipdown of 2021. Not a great number given my goal, but I also set that goal before I knew I was going to have a second kid this year! Hopefully an easily beatable number for this year!

This tea was old and the coconut was going off, but not enough not to drink it. And, I actually still liked it. I believe I had liked it when it was fresher, too. Creamy coconut, black tea base. Well-enough executed for what it intended to be.

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drank Winter Earl Grey by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 2)

Drank this yesterday and liked it more than the previous times – whatever threw me off before was masked due to being sick, so it just came off as a creamy EG.


Hope you’re feeling better!

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drank Nanaimo Bar by DAVIDsTEA
6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 1)

Made this into an eggnog latte, but it was unimpressive. Couldn’t really taste nanaimo bar; I think this tea is better straight or perhaps as a regular latte.

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drank Mango Ice Cream by 52teas
6117 tasting notes

(52teas (Anne) 2022: 2)

Review for the 2021 12 teas of Christmas reblend.

I want to like this more than I do; I think I’m looking for more of a ripe mango flavour like in Lupicia’s oolong, whereas this is a little greener. I can’t really review properly, though, because I also had this while sick with a cold, so I very well may not have tasted everything. Further review pending.


Hope you feel better soon!

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(52teas (Anne) 2022: 1)

I see that I rated the Frank version of this at 76, and agree that this is about the same. It’s tasty strawberry cream; wish the base was something else but it’s still good. I also tasted it with the dulled tastebuds of sickness, so perhaps it’s even better! Will revisit once I recover.

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I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) but in the last year or so, tea has become increasingly more appealing as not only a delicious, calming drink, but as a relatively cheap, healthy reward or treat to give myself when I deserve something. I should clarify that, however; the reward is expanding my tea cupboard, not drinking tea – I place no restrictions on myself in terms of drinking anything from my cupboard as that would defeat my many goals!

My DavidsTea addiction was born in late 2011, despite having spent nearly a year intentionally avoiding their local mall location (but apparently it was just avoiding the inevitable!). I seem to have some desire to try every tea they’ve ever had, so much of my stash is from there, although I’ve recently branched out and ordered from numerous other companies.

I like to try and drink all my teas unaltered, as one of the main reasons I’m drinking tea other than for the flavour is to be healthy and increase my water intake without adding too many calories! I’ve found that the trick in this regard is to be very careful about steeping time, as most teas are quite pleasant to drink straight as long as they haven’t been oversteeped. However, I tend to be forgetful (particularly at work) when I don’t set a timer, resulting in a few horrors (The Earl’s Garden is not so pleasant after, say, 7+ minutes of steeping).

I’m currently trying to figure out which types of teas are my favourites. Herbals are no longer at the top; oolongs have thoroughly taken over that spot, with greens a reasonably close second. My preference is for straight versions of both, but I do love a good flavoured oolong (flavoured greens are really hit or miss for me). Herbals I do love iced/cold-brewed, but I drink few routinely (Mulberry Magic from DavidsTea being a notable exception). I’m learning to like straight black teas thanks to the chocolatey, malty, delicious Laoshan Black from Verdant Tea, and malty, caramelly flavoured blacks work for me, but I’m pretty picky about anything with astringency. Lately I’ve found red rooibos to be rather medicinal, which I dislike, but green rooibos and honeybush blends are tolerable. I haven’t explored pu’erh, mate, or guayasa a great deal (although I have a few options in my cupboard).

I’ve decided to institute a rating system so my ratings will be more consistent. Following the smiley/frowny faces Steepster gives us:

100: This tea is amazing and I will go out of my way to keep it in stock.

85-99: My core collection (or a tea that would be, if I was allowing myself to restock everything!) Teas I get cravings for, and drink often.

75-84: Good but not amazing; I might keep these in stock sparingly depending on current preferences.

67-74: Not bad, I’ll happily finish what I have but probably won’t ever buy it again as there’s likely something rated more highly that I prefer.

51-66: Drinkable and maybe has some aspect that I like, but not really worth picking up again.

34-50: Not for me, but I can see why others might like it. I’ll make it through the cup and maybe experiment with the rest to get rid of it.

0-33: It’s a struggle to get through the cup, if I do at all. I will not willingly consume this one again, and will attempt to get rid of the rest of the tea if I have any left.

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