I found a tiny bit of this left over as well, and so I’m in use-up-samples mode before I compile my order of new teas for 2012.
I’m bumping this up a bit having had it on the heels of the Xin Yang Mao Jian. The two are so different that I’m able to appreciate this cup a lot more than the last time I tasted it.
The Xin Yang Mao Jian is delicate and shy. This is big, bold, strong and a bit unrefined (but not in a bad way). I love the Xin Yang Mao Jian in my delicate little gaiwan but I feel like I should be drinking this Chun Mei out of my 16 ounce mug with the Ester Island face on it.
The color is a deep golden and yet the flavor has very little roast this time. This is like an untamed thicket of rioting green foliage.