I couldn’t find this listed on the Teamaze website yet, but if yesterday was an indication of how busy the proprietor has been, she’s been far too holiday busy to make updates! Constant traffic in her cheerful little storefront and she was hopping to take care of multiple to-go orders as well as answering touristy questions (“Do you have anything with caffeine here?”) and more informed ones for (ahem!) us serious shoppers who stocked up enough for the next three winters…
But I digress.
The scent of this one made it jump into my shopping basket. We’ve got a mild and slightly grassy white tea, white chocolate bits, and a little extra flavoring that makes me think of Carnation condensed milk. Steeped, it’s a little less sweet than I expected, but I think I like semi-sweet better than too much cloying sweetener. Next time, I will take care of that myself, perhaps with a teeny bit of milk and brown sugar.
In short, this is the white chocolate cousin of Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride. A pleasant non-minty evening cuppa.