Here’s another one I picked up from the co-op this evening, a tisane blended by Tap Twice, a San Francisco tea company. On their website it sounds like they encourage people to contact them to meet up and drink tea. Maybe when my social side picks back up I’ll drop them a Herro.
I must have sniffed 50 different jars of teas and tisanes at the co-op and this one was like WOWZA. I bought enough for two sessions and will definitely be picking up more. It’s a straight-forward tisane – cacao, peppermint, rose petals and damiana. The aroma and tastes both are a perfect balance between the ingredients. Nothing tries to take center stage and somehow the peppermint tastes so pure. Kind of fluffy, sweet, no bitterness or astringency. This tisane will be a mainstay.
(Western, 1T, 8oz, 200F, 3/5m)
Tap Twice also has a good-looking selection of Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese teas in their online shop, sometimes with questionable tasting notes like ‘wisdom’ lol.
Mint/chocolate/rose is a winning combo for me, too. Yuuuuuum.