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drank Blissful Harmony by teakruthi
2983 tasting notes

I decided to be a rebel and brew this as a traditional English cuppa. 5g leaf, hot but not boiling water, 6-7 minutes steep in 500 ml water. I added a dash of vanilla soy milk.

There are a lot of tannins despite the liquid being lighter amber. The milk smoothed it out nicely. I can taste a lot of honey notes. Not just the sweetness but distinctly honey. A little malt but more focused on the honey. Although I don’t drink a lot of plain teas or caffeinated teas, it made a nice morning cup. It has a strong orange pekoe flavour but the aftertaste of honey was a nice surprise.

Flavors: Honey, Tannin, Tea

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 45 sec 5 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Shakti Veda by teakruthi
1319 tasting notes

Truly surprised I did not review this one yet. As far as Ceylon tea goes teakruthi has great tea. There black tea is the best but their white teas are also quite good. The green teas could use work though. This is a unique blend of ingredients A bit old, this sample is, so maybe less on taste than it used to be but as usual, the hibiscus punches straight out along with the rose hip. The tang from the ginseng is not as strong as I had hoped either. I won’t give this one a rating till I can taste or more recently harvested blend.

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drank Divine Highlands by teakruthi
397 tasting notes

Morning with the TTB = trying caffeinated blends! The caffeine is very welcome, as my team is sending the summer issue of our magazine to press today, so I need stamina as we finalize pages.

…welp, I started that note about eight hours ago and am only getting back to it now! Ha! So, Divine Highlands. It’s very mild and thin, even though I added more leaf than recommended. I’m not really getting eucalyptus or mint as the package promises; It’s quite mineral-y and vegetal. I prefer more boldness and flavor in my black teas, so I think maybe it’s a matter of expectations. This is more like a light oolong to my fairly unrefined palate. I don’t mind it, but it’s not giving me the oomph I was hoping for.

Flavors: Mineral, Vegetal


Exactly how I felt about this one!

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drank Summer Isle by teakruthi
986 tasting notes

TeaTiff TTB #21

So. Much. Hibiscus. This sounded like the kind of fruity, tropical blend I would really enjoy but it just tastes like black tea blended with hibiscus.

Flavors: Hibiscus, Tart

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Serendipity by teakruthi
986 tasting notes

TeaTiff TTB #20

It’s not on the ingredients list, but I would swear this blend has stevia in it. It had a pleasant enough fruity flavor, but the sickly sweet aftertaste totally killed it for me.

Flavors: Fruity, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Summer Isle by teakruthi
2172 tasting notes

2021 Homemade Advent Calendar Swap – Day 18
From Skysamurai.

Oh goodness, I really wanted to like this one but I just don’t. It has so many potentially great flavors – banana, apple, mango – but all I can taste is the hibiscus. It’s also very bitter, but I should have known better than to steep a black tea as long as the bag suggested. My husband finished this one for me. He enjoyed it, but he loves hibiscus. I usually only like it when it’s cold and definitely not when it’s mixed with black tea.

Flavors: Bitter, Dust, Hibiscus

Boiling 8 min or more 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Colonial Mornings by teakruthi
2172 tasting notes

2021 Homemade Advent Calendar Swap – Day 17
From Skysamurai.

I’d forgotten that teakruthi had sachets! We ordered a sampler box of sachets for my MIL a few months ago, and I’m glad to see that these are nicely packaged and have long twisty leaves inside. I’ve tried mostly flavored blends from teakruthi so I don’t have much experience with their unflavored teas. I have to say, it’s not my favorite. It smelled bright in the sachet but now that I’m drinking it, it’s astringent and otherwise not too flavorful. It could be something about the way I steeped it though. I do have some other samples from teakruthi to try so we’ll see if another one wows me.

Flavors: Astringent

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Lapsang Souchong by teakruthi
2172 tasting notes

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drank Lapsang Souchong by teakruthi
2172 tasting notes

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drank Lapsang Souchong by teakruthi
2172 tasting notes

2021 Homemade Advent Calendar Swap – Day 16
From Skysamurai.

I’ve really been enjoying teakruthi’s teas and this Lapsang Souchong is one I’ve been wanting to try. I got a nice, big sample of it in my Advent box! I wouldn’t say it’s heavily smoked but it’s certainly not lightly smoked either. It’s a nice balance. It’s probably not one I’d buy a large bag of, but I’ll enjoy what I have.

Flavors: Smoke

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Moringa Lemon by teakruthi
1319 tasting notes

This smells like Windex. Or that commercial cleaner they use in some hotels. I’ve never had moringa before and I’m not much for herbals so… this will be interesting. The liquor color is dark, clear, yellow. Kinda pretty in its own way. Steeped for about four minutes. Couldn’t take that smell any longer. The flavor is highly citrus with what I am assuming is the herbal flavor that comes off smooth and lightly medicinal. Cleansing.

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drank Lemon Matcha by teakruthi
1319 tasting notes

Aroma. Flavor. Appearance. All important aspects to good matcha. But let us begin by saying that this is not matcha. Anything made outside of Japan is not matcha. Powdered green tea this is. The aroma is lemony. Actually, it’s beyond lemon. Lemon punch to your face. The next punch is to the gut in the color. Hideous. Perhaps the green of a green olive. I’d rather eat a green olive. IS that sugar? It does not list sugar but it sure looks like sugar. The natural flavor crystalized? No idea. Out of respect for this company because they make other great tea I decided to still give it a try. Big nope. The watercolor is atrocious as well. Not that I was expecting it to magically shift to jade green. I regret putting this in my mouth. I’ve tried to rid the taste with a cookie and my husband’s zero-proof drink but it remains. Do not let this review ruin yoru thoughts toward teakruthi though. They make other teas that are suberb.

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drank Scottish Legacy by teakruthi
1319 tasting notes
The woodsy and earthy tones are subdued by wonderful rose flavors. Literally like walking into a rose garden and being immersed into many different rose aromas. But it’s not an overwhelming sensation; instead, it is relaxing and uplifting. A great way to start the morning. Heck, this is a great cuppa for midday or even more perfect for a tea party.

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drank Blissful Harmony by teakruthi
6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (211)

B is for…Blissful Harmony

This is one of my oldest teas so it is nice to get this sipdown in. I am grateful to teakruthi for sending this my way but this remained in my stash the longest of my teakruthi teas because of the combo of black and white bases. I don’t love mixing bases and this is no exception.

That said, it’s not a bad tea but it’s not for me. It’s a touch coppery on the tailend of the sip. Before that though, I get stonefruit flavors and the slightest bit of honey today. It’s also fairly nutty with a touch of hay from the white tea. Now I am cutting the note short because my nephew has both grabbed my tea and my laptop.

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drank Ceylon Emerald by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

I have decided to brew this one on the gloomy morning.

It smells wonderful, very tropical, sweet and fresh.

I brewed two teaspoons in 300 ml and 80°C water and I have used ball strainer. That’s not the best as the pieces of tea are quite big and thus can’t grow completely.

But in taste it wasn’t that perfect. It has got a quite mineral and typical green Ceylon tea taste. As well quite drying unfortunately. On the other hand, the fruity notes are delightful and well present — mostly as an aroma: very tropical and I noticed mostly pineapple and strawberry. Hints of mango as well. In taste mostly pineapple and the base. Quite unimpressed overall, maybe the notes of base were too strong for me. But I can imagine drinking it iced or cold brewed! Maybe I had just unlucky spoons.

Flavors: Drying, Mango, Mineral, Pineapple, Strawberry, Tropical

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

Lucky Spoons would be a great name for a tea company! :P

Martin Bednář

Go and register it! I will take 5 per cent from profit as I came up with name :D

White Antlers

There’s a Lucky Spoon Bakery in Utah, so I think the name is taken already.

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I can’t believe I still had this tea! It’s a sipdown and a little magical as I thought it’s gone already. Well sorting the teas brings unexpected surprises I gues.
But it was still in my virtual cupboard, so yes, it was supposed to be somewhere.

Anyway, I had last session worth of tea left, so used strainer with the rest of leaves. Actually it was a little more than I was thinking, but the rest would be so little, so only way would be toss it out. I decided for stronger tea instead.

While it has been harvested 2 years ago, I was opening the pouch with a little more caution. Expecting foul aroma of rancid bergamot oil and stale vanilla. Nope! It was like opening last time. My smell memory told me it is completely fine.

When brewed, it was less creamy than I remember; but maybe my memory doesn’t saved that well. Maybe it could be because using more leaf. I don’t know. Anyway, it was genuine and very nice flavour, aroma and everything.

Very welcomed cuppa after day-long training for an exam held on 8th December. A day of exam of “being” DGSA (dangerous goods safety advisor); so I need to know ADR (similar to DOT Hazmat) regulations. It’s not easy, but I feel I can manage it. Somehow.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 300 OZ / 8872 ML

Good luck for your exam! Fingers crossed for you. (:


You will manage it, Martin :)

Martin Bednář

Thank you both! Honestly I feel quite confident, but you know… it is always about the questions.


I’m sure you’ll do great. (:

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Instead of Alice (see derk’s note) I decided to brew this one today.
And honestly, I was afraid this one would be too dessert-like to me, though I was craving some sweet one this afternoon. But I have hoped it won’t be that bad.

After opening the pouch, I needed to let the tea “breath” a little as it was highly aromatic! I took about two teaspoons, with quite a nice combination of black tea with contrast white and yellow safflower petals.

It was just right amount for my 300 ml cup and I steeped it for around 3 minutes but haven’t measured exactly today. It has got similar colour as pictured.

I am not sure which note is stronger, if the bergamot one or vanilla. But they work very well together nad both are very nicely present.
The citrusy note of bergamot is tingling a bit, but feels natural and not artificial. Kind of pleasantly sour too. On the other side of spectrum there is sweet vanilla note, coating whole mouth with vanilla custard; while it’s hot drink. Again, a natural feeling of it. Kind of unfortunate, the base is so hidden of flavourings and thus I haven’t noticed that much. But this tea is one of the dessert ones I will drink when craving for some sweet one. Similar as Lemon Kandy.

Flavors: Bergamot, Pleasantly Sour, Round, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Two Seasons by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

I can’t believe we are in second half of August already and soon autumn is here! I wasn’t drinking much tea during the summer, but now it seems I am back on. But I still can’t believe it is almost over!

This tea was perfect for today chilly weather. It’s quite cold outside, around 18°C and it seems it has rained overnight; overcast.

And I was just randomly chose a tea from cupboard, seeing I had last session of tea again here… so I picked it and decided to brew.

Honestly, this last amount of tea wasn’t such as perfect as my previous note says. I think I had just much less of ginger there and almost no peach. But that trouble of last session.

In taste it was peachy though enough with nice note of a little bit fiery ginger. Bold base which wasn’t that malty as last time… maybe because I had less of actual tea in as well. I guess it was about only two grams, but I haven’t weighted it, because I was too lazy doing it with the last session.

Overall… it is a nice cup. Naturally, when fresher, it was better, but still not bad. I would order a bigger pouch. For daily drinking.

Flavors: Ginger, Malt, Peach

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I haven’t been drinking much tea either because it’s been so hot (and it’s going to stay that way for at least another week). I can’t wait for fall!

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drank Two Seasons by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

Apparently they tweaked the recipe and it’s much less fiery than you guys noticed. I certainly received a pouch with peach (which isn’t that super fresh as on Izzy’s picture and some ginger, but much less of it than in pictures.

But in taste it isn’t a trouble! I notice both — a juicy peach with little fiery aftertaste of ginger. Bold and malty tea base. Well done! I can imagine being it blast for ice tea.

Again an example of well blended tea, because it delivers my favourite way of blending… there is the flavour expected, but as well the base tea. 4 minutes are a bit too much, I need to tweak it a bit. Not sure if I want to drink this tea in cold days (as today, it’s sunny, 11°C, spring-like) or prepare it cold-brewed and then drink it iced.

Flavors: Ginger, Malt, Peach

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Lemon Kandy by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

SIPDOWN 93 6 sessions total of 20 grams.
Ohh, damn! I just went off this tasting note and it refreshed afterwards, so a few lines lost. Autosave would be a nice feature.

Anyway, a sad sipdown. Mostly because it is well made. A nice lemony taste, a bit on the candy approach. Well, it’s Kandy, afterall. I know, it is a region in Sri Lanka, but I am pretty much sure it was chosen on purpose.

The base tea is nice, somehow quite malty, but not overpowering the lemon pieces. Those are genuine and they taste really good. Although the citrusy scent is very strong, it isn’t that strong in flavour. It’s that well blended that you could notice both — lemons and bold base together, but they are rather cooperate than fighting each other.

It is a simple blend somehow, but so well done, that I am considering getting more than 20 grams I had in sample pack. And it’s quite cheap and fresh!

Flavors: Lemon, Lemon Zest, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Lemon Kandy by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

I was craving for citrusy black tea this morning. And when I saw a Alvin’s of San Francisco Earl Grey, I knew it’s not it. So I picked a fresh batch (crafted 8th December) of teakruthi teas, I bought myself, but it’s only second tea I have opened.

I used 5 grams. I wanted to do it western, but my ball strainer was too small. So I just decided for grandpa and just after I have filled the cup with water, I thought I should use empty bags I actually have. Well. 5 grams for grandpa sounds terribly strong. But caffeine needed in the morning… it was just right I guess.

As I have opened the bag, I was thrilled with lemon zest and lemon candy aroma. Very fresh and feeling a bit juicy.

Brewed… I was truly afraid that I used too much leaf; but apparently not. It was delicious, lemony taste. Malty base. It’s like the iced teas, but not overdone with sugar. Actually it doesn’t contain any sweet stuff and just pure lemon pieces, marigold flowers and tea. That’s something I highly appreciate.
Certainly need to re-brew with less leaf to see more from the base; but still great.

Flavors: Candy, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Malt

195 °F / 90 °C 5 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

As a lemon lover, this sounds really good!

Martin Bednář

I am sure you would like it!


I love this one too :)


Every time I see a review for this, I want it even more.

Martin Bednář

I can see why Izzy :)
derk: oh well, I don’t know how high the shipping is, but free shipping limit is quite low :)

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drank Ahimsa Veda by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

A sipdown! (M: 1, Y:1)
A sipdown prompt! Your oldest green tea.

Actually it’s not that old. Blended and received in December, 2020. It sounds scary in terms of green teas and all things that happened, but here we are.

I have been neglecting this tea because star anise was super strong and actually not so good at all. And I like that spice, but not in such excessive amounts.

My residue was like tea bag filler, very crushed pieces of tea and lemongrass.I was quite afraid it will turn bitter, but a nice surprise there. It wasn’t bitter at all and actually, star anise faded a lot (but remains noticeable), quite lemony and herbaceous notes.

Glad to see this finished and also I am glad it was quite good (however, I completely changed steeping parameters).

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Ahimsa Veda by teakruthi
2059 tasting notes

My brother wished for a tea. I showed him a pack of teakruthi and told him, it should be similar to his box for Christmas (which he keeps in the office, but he’s rather working from home recently). He decided for this one, used two teaspoons and I decided to try it as well. Also two teaspoons, for typical 300 ml. He complained about his upset stomach and wished that this tea will help him. I said that it should! But his choice was completely random!

Anyway, prepared as teakruthi suggests; so long, 9 minutes steep.

I have to agree with SkySamurai, star anise is indeed the star here. I can’t notice green tea at all; there is lemongrass note strong too, quite herbal, but overall… it works. Lemon? Yeeeah, it is here too. Lemongrass and lemon balm. Indeed both.

Good for intended profile — cleanse. But not really sure about the flavour profile. Again quite a unbalanced — way too much star anise, little of actual tea. Could be worse, especially as of cleaning/detox blends!

Song pairing (and article): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwtdhWltSIg; https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/r-e-m-losing-my-religion-story-behind-song

Flavors: Anise, Herbs, Lemongrass

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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