Remedy Teas

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I had a bit of this at the Northwest Tea Festival today. I like oolongs enough that I typically don’t get flavored versions, but I liked this enough to add it to my wishlist.

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drank Cherry Rose by Remedy Teas
30 tasting notes

This tea is, you know, fine. Nothing very exciting about it, but no real problems either. The cherry flavor is a bit artificial tasting, but not too much so. The tea is a perfectly pleasant, mild green. I don’t really pick up the rose flavor at all.

Flavors: Cherry

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This tea needs to be bathed in RedBull blue edition and dried out before I drink it again. Brews a weak cup that smells good and leaves your mouth wondering why your nose is happier than itself.

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The vanilla in this earl grey must have ran away because I didn’t find it :/
As for an earl grey it is decent, but I wanted that creme!

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drank Jade Oz by Remedy Teas
1113 tasting notes

DO NOT HAVE THIS TEA OUT IN YOUR CAR as it looks like marijuana.
I got to enjoy this tea with a friend when we took a trip to Niagara Falls and we laughed when we opened this because it does not look like tea… this osmanthus blossom oolong is quite nice but it does loose some points because it brewed a bit dry and wasn’t as strong as I desired even doubling the normal amount.

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Warm and comforting. The vanilla and citrus flavors are subtle but rich, complimenting the oolong magnificently. A bit unforgiving with regards to water temperature being too hot.

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Lemon, Orange Blossom, Vanilla

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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drank Harmony by Remedy Teas
29 tasting notes

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190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Vietnam by Remedy Teas
17 tasting notes

nam lahn op black vietnamese tea.

no matter how long you let this step, it won’t get bitter.
buy this locally, from a tea museum, and usually in 500gr. bags.

perfect everyday afternoon tea. nothing special, just a good cup of tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank White Chai by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

This is a gimme from a work buddy; she’s had it around for quite a while, so it may be a nootch past its prime, but it was a thoughtful treat all the same. I’m so-so with chai; sometimes the spice blenders get too cardamommy and it starts tasting medicinal. This one isn’t bad, and the lightness of the white tea makes milk unnecessary. Just enjoying it with a little honey, two black cats, and The Time Machine—appropriate for Post #2001—A Tea Odyssey.

(You didn’t tell me Sebastian Cabot was in it! I could listen to Sebastian Cabot read the phone book and melt into butter!)

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drank White Chai by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

I classified this one as “unknown” the other day because I hadn’t yet verified the vendor—but this is it.

This is a satiny white tea you can taste. The blenders are pleasantly light-handed on the chai spices, which give it a great October-evening personality, but don’t overwhelm the light tea.

For my Steepie buddies that love subtlety in their cups, this would be a great fit.


Oh, that sounds neat!

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drank Black and Blue by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

Another unmarked baggie, but we’ll presume it was this one; same work friend has shared some other Remedy Teas with me.

A tea fail morning. Couldn’t get the eyes open, family talking to and over me while getting ready, so I let this go so long that not even a sploosh of half-and-half could counteract the bitterness. User error, not tea quality.

There is some good berry potential in here; it’ll just have to wait for a morning when better attention can be paid.

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drank Harmony by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

The vendor description calls Harmony a potpourri, and that’s an apt description—it’s beautiful to look at. Like confetti. The flavor is a bit of a mishmash—since it was a pass-along, I didn’t have an ingredient list in front of me, so I had forgotten what to “think” for. Last night, I thought it tasted like hibiscus and mint, maybe a little cinnamon. But not unpleasant for an after-dinner cleanse-your-palate treat. (Or maybe tease-your-palate.)

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drank Harmony by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

Took the leaves home where I could study on them better. Hubby whiffed the dry mix and thought there was too much going on…and indeed, there’s a lot happening. Fruit—almond—cinnamon—cornflower petals. (Oh yeah, and some white tea in there, too.) But a nice, lower-caffeine change of pace.

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drank Harmony by Remedy Teas
3007 tasting notes

Work friend shared a generous sample of this one. It is gorgeous. You could put it in a jar and stare at it all day, it’s so colorful and zazzy.

And for a white tea, it does a good job of making its presence known. First cup was at work, so heated unevenly and with a bit too much water, and I still got a nice fruity-pie kick. Sweet but not tart.

Next cup gets more attention, less water, and is expected to be great.

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drank Cherry Amaretto by Remedy Teas
32 tasting notes

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drank Deep Sleep by Remedy Teas
1 tasting notes

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drank Black Satin by Remedy Teas
1 tasting notes

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drank Black Satin by Remedy Teas
1 tasting notes

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drank Cherry Rose by Remedy Teas
6 tasting notes

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