Moss Beach Kombucha

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drank Celery Lavender by Moss Beach Kombucha
1648 tasting notes

Local egg store. Eggs eGGs eggS, 1 flat, $3.50. The town prides itself on once being the Egg Capital of the World.

Local kombucha at local egg store is cheap! There are like 6 different companies selling kombucha there so I picked up a few. This one is made in Moss Beach which is south of San Francisco on the Pacific coast. Good memories of doing habitat restoration on the bluffs of Seal Cove in Moss Beach. The winter winds have no mercy on the coast. I still have this beautiful knitted cap I had to buy from Here Comes the Sun coffee shop in Montara to keep warm for that job. Man, I love the coast.

Anyway. Moss Beach Kombucha says this is their mildest flavor. HA! HAHAHA! It’s a big hit of lavender, followed by an even bigger hit of savory celery seed. There’s some bitterness in that celery seed explosion and then a lingering purple aftertaste. The bitterness and florality of the lavender really hang around. Not a ton of carbonation, which I like.

What a strange drink! Sometimes strange is good.

Flavors: Bittersweet, Celery, Floral, Lavender, Tart, Vinegar


What a fascinating mix — celery and lavender.

The coast is the best and the habitat restoration sounds amazing The east coast is home for me.. ❤


It was the most difficult 5 years of my life but I grew so much in confidence and character from that job. Not to mention I got to dive deeply into all the habitats of my locale and see things the average hiker will never get to see. I’d love to visit Maine and the maritime provinces! I’m not one of those people who thinks one place (or coast or anywhere in between) is any better than another. Beauty is everywhere!


I take that back. Kansas in the winter.


I can only imagine! It sounds amazing.

Hahah the last part. It’s very true, everywhere has beauty and something to appreciate. The coast just holds part of my heart. :)

Martin Bednář

I am saying myself that being in the Czech Republic is bad. I was thinking about moving to the North when i finish the University. But I never been to so many places even in my small country. I will miss things as good beer, friends or just the place. Finland is beautiful indeed. But it’s not my home. It was awesome experinece being there for four months, but I will miss things. I am puzzled in myself, where I want to stay. Do I even to move out? Not sure.

So, that said… derk is right — Beauty is everywhere! And it can be not so far from our doorstep.

White Antlers

Martin, I know how you feel. I lived in Northern and Southern California for almost half my life but neither area was ‘home.’ It’s been 5 years since I relocated to the city where I was born on the East coast and though I have no family and know few people, the feeling of waking up every day AT HOME is like no other.

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