As my favourite tea from the Wine collection, and having run out of it months ago, I was excited to see that Bubbly was being offered on the tea wall!
As someone who’s not a fan of champagne itself, the alcohol bite combined with the carbonation makes it difficult to enjoy, I was excited to try champagne flavour, in tea form. From what I can get from real champagne as far as flavour, I think this tea is a pretty close match. Hot, it doesn’t need any added sweetener, but iced I found it needed a little something, and oddly enough, Stevia was the best match. I think the mild tartness caused by the slightly astringent green tea lends itself well to hiding the odd aftertaste of stevia. half of a 1/8 tsp was more than enough to sweeten a 16oz cup of iced tea.
someone else described the floral notes as being jasminey, but I taste more hibiscus. I think it’s the floral notes, combined with the unique flavour of the pineapple, that give the palate the illusion of grape flavour.
I really like it and look forward to bringing in the new year with a cup of Bubbly!
Ooh, I really want to try this!