Backlogging from last night. Whipped this up with a good splash of milk and honey… and oh my goodness why had I never tried that before o.o
Such a lovely bedtime drink, milk and honey is already so soothing and lovely before bed, but adding peppermint to the mix aids in digestion and reportedly encourages good dreams. Adds a nice refreshing taste, too! Minty milk & honey! Mmmm.
I know that if I drink peppermint tea before bed when I’m not feeling great, I always end up sleeping wonderful and waking up feeling refreshed. Magical stuff, peppermint is!
Oh and I made a cup for the bf, especially since he normally has problems sleeping good, and he ended up sleeping SO great that he accidentally slept in and had to get ready for work in literally like, 1 minute… and guess what he did it!.. and ended up arriving with a few minutes to spare!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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