VariaTEA is awesome and let me try all the firefly blends. i haven’t had a chance to dig most of them out of the box of fun that i have in terms of samples but since today is SIPDOWN DAY! i figured i’d start with this one…because BLERGAMOT blech River is most certainly not full of blerg. says me. because i love river…hell i love them all and this is not her. because i don’t like it lol.
this is just not only blerg like but very floral to me. I appreciate the share a ton though because firefly is awesome. and fan blends are fun!
River kicks butt and leaves the name taking to others. Bergamot kicks butt and doesn’t care about names. I don’t know, sounds like a match to me. lol
haha oh KS…you and i will never agree on blergamot ;)