Thank you Nuvola Tea for this free sample!
Leaf Quality:
The leaves were both dark and light shades of green, and very floral. I detected a bit of milky-fruitiness. The dry leaves themselves smelled quite sweet. The brewed leaves were grassy and floral. They unfurled into yellow-green crinkled gems in the water. After the second brew, all grassy notes had left, and the scent was purely floral.
Brewed Tea:
The tea smelled a bit milky, but even more floral. It had a bright yellow-green liquor and tasted light, floral, and had a slightly grassy finish.
Second Steeping
This brew was again floral. However, the milky notes had transformed into melon notes. It reminded me of either cantaloupe or honey-dew melons. The floral notes had also changed a bit from the first brew, i that it was more pronounced and sweeter. A very nice melon aftertaste.
Third Steeping
This tea was increasingly sweet with each brew. The melon was lighter this time, and the floral notes kept strong.
Fourth Steeping
Melon notes showed up again for this brew. The floral qualities carried themselves through and through, changing slightly each time.
What a nice Oolong to taste. Thanks again, Nuvola!