Following 31 Tea Drinkers

Oolong Owl 772 followers

I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obs...

Ubacat 193 followers

Green teas are my favourite teas but I also enjoy: white, some herbal,rooibo...

K S 454 followers

K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Than...

TeaGirl 54 followers

I grew up drinking black teas every night before bed because of my Canadian m...

Shadowfall 156 followers

I wanted to cut soda out of my life, so I started drinking more tea. Now I’m ...

sandra 21 followers

45 y/o Dutch mom of 3; Tea addict. Freelance translator, proofreader & wr...

caile 243 followers

Love of tea. Raw puerh, oolong. Likes: bitter/sweet Dislikes: seaweed

gmathis 564 followers

Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, p...

Gary 38 followers

Long Time Tea Drinker, Likes Flavored and Black Teas Starting on Pu-er or Pu...

JacquelineM 607 followers

I love to cook, bake, read, paint, knit, do needlework, and garden. I need my...



Favourites – Green, Sheng puerh
Likey – Green oolongs, white
OK. – Black, Shu puerh, darker oolongs
Meh Infusions

New Rating:
100 The most perfect tea in the world.
90-99 It is definitely one of my favourites.
80-89 Delicious, but there is something little that I don’t like.
70-79 Pretty delicious, not my favourite but I like it.
60-69 Alright, might buy more.
50-59 Average, nothing special here.
30-49 Holy smokes, is this stuff even tea?
1-29 No. Just no.

Flavours/nuances I like:
Fruits, flowers, floral, berries, sweet, astringent, nutty, cream, butter, vegetal, sour, vanilla, honey, marine, seaweed, grassy, woody, smoky, dried fruits, citrus, umami

//My english can be a bit rusty sometimes. Sorry about that.


Uusimaa, Finland


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