111 Tasting Notes
This tea is quite pricey but well worth trying. For lack of a better term, this is the most Bulangy tasting tea I’ve had. Bold but smooth bitterness, very thick soup w lotsa huigan. Big camphor and some forest floor with perhaps a bit of quinine. I’m reminded of an old school English IPA or a gin and tonic hold the lime. Not much fruit or floral notes (in contrast to the Crimson Lotus single tree LBZ maocha that I tasted side by side with this) this tea remains pretty constant in its mission statement 20 steeps in. While the flavor remains bold and unwaivering the qi is over the top. Not relaxing and dreamy like an Yiwu or Naka but more like a stoned roadrunner. This is a great tea to drink with a hearty breakfast before you need to perform some menial tasks around the house as I guarantee you’ll get them done quite quickly and won’t even be bothered by the tasks themselves as you’ll be too busy grinning. I play high energy rocknroll and plan to drink a pot of this before a gig and see what unfolds…
I ordered a sample!