142 Tasting Notes
so i went to David’s tea and picked 10 g of all of their new teas to try them, no more buying 25g and then getting stuck with thing i hate.
dry leaves smell like grapefruit juice that’s been sitting on the counter too long and Irish spring i’m assuming that’s the nettle leaves
steeped it smells like Irish spring, and the liqueur is a weird greenish yellow color.
Time to taste: the grapefruit is there but very weak, then there’s the taste of the nettle leaves and i associate it with soap, so i’m tasting soap…
yeah wont finish this…keep thinking of soap….
Got a tin of this on boxing day for 50% off, it was pretty much the only tea that was on sale though….dissapointing
Dry leaves smell like carrots mostly but they are pretty to look at
Steeped the carrot smell comes out more and i can detect the coconut, the liqueur is a lovely orange color, very appropriate.
Time to taste: taste is like a watered down version of carrot cake, personnaly i’m missing the spices but everything else is spot on
wouldn’t buy this again but i won’t mind finishing this tin either.
Day 23 of my Advent Calendar,
Dry leaves smell super fruity having a hard time imagining Creme Brulée from this.
Steeped still smells super fruity but i’picking up hints of vanilla the liqueur is a nice orangey color.
Time to taste: this taste like tutti fruity bubble gum not creme brulée …. not bad but not what i was expecting either…