This is one that Auggy shared with me recently. I don’t know if she had been peeking in my posts when making that decision or not and seen that I had been rather vanilla interested lately. Even to the point of having an exchange of comments with someone (who were you?) about the sugar-y sort of vanilla versus the coconut-y sort of vanilla flavouring and them liking the former, me leaning towards the latter. This one has coconut in it as well as dried pineapple, so it must surely be the right sort of vanilla flavouring for me.
But how did she know?
Oh yeah. Taste twins. :D
There’s something in the leaves. Some sort of crystallic blue-y white thing. I can’t tell what it is and the description of the gives no clue. So I ate one. It tastes sugar-y and vanilla like, and it looks like after after steeping they have been dissolved as I can’t spot any in the spent leaf.
It smells like cake. There’s tons of vanilla in this aroma and the pineapple underneath it all, at the very bottom of the aroma, giving it substance. It makes me want upside down cake. And custard. The coconut is there in the aroma as well, but it works more like a booster for the vanilla and a filler for the the pineapple rather than a note by itself. I suspect this is what creates the whole ‘cake’ thing.
Oh Auggy! You sent me happiness in a tin. It’s so vanilla-y, so fruity, so sweet, so thick and creamy, so ME!
It definitely confirms for me that my perfect vanilla tea does indeed have those coconut notes to it. The coconut is really carrying this vanilla and enhancing it in most wonderful way.
The pineapple is still taking a backseat to the other flavours here. It’s there at the bottom being juicy and fruity and reminding me of cake (I want caaaaaaake!!!), but it’s not the star of the show and it’s not trying to be either.
This is very very good indeed. I shall hoard the remainder of Auggy’s generous gift.
Hmm..I think it was in my post about 52Teas French Vanilla Assam, which I moved along because it was too coconutty. I don’t think I’ve had Mighty Leaf tea yet.
Hmmm… I had seen the Mighty Leaf around as well and whoever’s post it was made me interested. It must have been at around the same time as your post for me to get them mixed up. Either way, I’m planning on giving the ML a go. :)
You and I chatted about Caramel Vanilla (me!) vs. Coconut Vanilla (you!). : )
Ah right, it was a Mighty Leaf thing, wasn’t it?
Hmm..I think it was in my post about 52Teas French Vanilla Assam, which I moved along because it was too coconutty. I don’t think I’ve had Mighty Leaf tea yet.
Hmmm… I had seen the Mighty Leaf around as well and whoever’s post it was made me interested. It must have been at around the same time as your post for me to get them mixed up. Either way, I’m planning on giving the ML a go. :)
Yay! Glad you liked it! This one didn’t strike me as overly Hawaiian (which I felt it should have been since it was one of the Hawaii-only ones) but I totally got a dessert vibe from it that made me happy. And your log of it made me bust some out this morning! :)