Day 6 of the 2016 advent calendar! Supposedly this tea is supposed to be a remake of fall 2014’s Sweet Apple Cider? Regardless this tea smells quite good, although it’s more of a creamy candy kind of smell rather than what I might expect from an apple cider.
Steeped, the smell is definitely more in-line with apple cider with vanilla, although the apple flavor is a bit… artificial? Like an apple flavored candy. Without sweetener, it’s actually kind of tart which is a pleasant surprise, because I was expecting something more sweet and sugary. With sugar though it tastes a lot like an apple candy, which isn’t something I’m opposed to, just not something I expected.
Overall, I think this tea is alright. Not really feeling the artificial kind of apple vibe I get from it, but I’m sure it would make a good iced tea. Perhaps if it goes on sale I’ll pick up a small bag to play around with.