Traveling Tea is a teashop less than a mile from my house, and my favorite teas from that shop are custom blends that the owner, Kateri, creates. Both Sil & I have sung the praises of the Pumpkin Ginger Spice blend that Kateri makes every fall, from locally raised, roasted, and dehydrated pumpkins! That tea is pure awesomeness!
So here is another of Kateri’s blends, a new one! I I should mention up front that I’m not a huge fan of guayusa or rooibos, and my first sip, in fact my first inhale, told me I wasn’t really going to enjoy this tea much.
However, it actully is very enjoyable. The texture is creamy, although I didn’t add any type of ‘milk’ to it, and the blend of flavors is nicely done, so that no one flavor stands out over all. It kind of reminds me of ovaltine, with it’s mix of cacao hulls & vanilla, and there is a nuttiness to it as well. It’s not a bold cup of tea, but the dandelion and chicory add a bass note, so it’s not wimpy either. I dlidn’t add any sweetener, however there’s a little sarsparilla & maple in there, and really it was sweet enough.
If you’re interested in checking out the teas Kateri offers, here’s a link to her website:
Really? I am also not a fan of guayasa. I really should get you to pick up a few from her shop in the sample sizes for me one of these days….
Custom tea…less than a mile…Danger, Will Robinson! (At least it would be for my allowance!)