I have put off having this tea only because of the unusual brewing instructions. So I put 2.5 g in boiling water and boiled for 10 min.
First impression: It tasted like dirty dishwater. Not that I drink a lot of dirty dishwater. Then I realized that was a bit harsh. This tea started to grow on me a bit the more I had.
It’s supposed to be something like a puerh. It does have similarities but is quite different as well. I don’t know of any puerh you can boil for 10 minutes and have it turn out fine.
There’s no bitterness in this tea. Even after boiling for 10 minutes! There’s a slight sweetness but it tastes like woody twigs boiled in water a bit of earth. Doesn’t sound very appealing but it’s not bad. I’ve heard worse things used to describe tea (tobacco, leather). Overall, enjoyed trying out this tea but it’s not something I would buy.
Flavors: Earth, Sweet, Wood