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Earth, Sweet, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
2 g 17 oz / 500 ml

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  • “Very light and nutty, resembling dry foliage. Remindes me a bit of an Liu An or old Sheng. Images and more at https://puerh.blog/teanotes/furyu-batabatacha” Read full tasting note
  • “I have put off having this tea only because of the unusual brewing instructions. So I put 2.5 g in boiling water and boiled for 10 min. First impression: It tasted like dirty dishwater. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank You Liquid Proust for this sample. This is a tasty tea with a most unusual brewing method. I did my best to follow the directions on the Yunomi website. You basically boil the hell out of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am not going to explain this experience… you, yes you who is reading this, should try this yourself. What I will inform you of is this: This is the Japanese equivalent to pu’er and is very...” Read full tasting note

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4 Tasting Notes

127 tasting notes

Very light and nutty, resembling dry foliage. Remindes me a bit of an Liu An or old Sheng.
Images and more at https://puerh.blog/teanotes/furyu-batabatacha

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661 tasting notes

I have put off having this tea only because of the unusual brewing instructions. So I put 2.5 g in boiling water and boiled for 10 min.

First impression: It tasted like dirty dishwater. Not that I drink a lot of dirty dishwater. Then I realized that was a bit harsh. This tea started to grow on me a bit the more I had.

It’s supposed to be something like a puerh. It does have similarities but is quite different as well. I don’t know of any puerh you can boil for 10 minutes and have it turn out fine.

There’s no bitterness in this tea. Even after boiling for 10 minutes! There’s a slight sweetness but it tastes like woody twigs boiled in water a bit of earth. Doesn’t sound very appealing but it’s not bad. I’ve heard worse things used to describe tea (tobacco, leather). Overall, enjoyed trying out this tea but it’s not something I would buy.

Flavors: Earth, Sweet, Wood

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1758 tasting notes

Thank You Liquid Proust for this sample. This is a tasty tea with a most unusual brewing method. I did my best to follow the directions on the Yunomi website. You basically boil the hell out of this tea on a stove top for ten minutes. SO that’s what I did. I was expecting something bitter but there was no bitterness to this tea. This is quite good. I would order this the next time I put in an order with Yunomi. It had a natural sweet flavor to it but I added sugar anyway. It is incredibly smooth. I am basically at a loss for why this tea didn’t turn bitter. Normally boiling water will turn some teas bitter and this was not boiling water that you were allowing to begin cooling. This was steeping at a rolling boil. I don’t know more about how to describe this so I think I’m going to give up trying.

I have heard that this is a Japanese version of puerh but to me it is vastly different, except that I guess it is fermented in a manner similar to ripe puerh. The taste, however is nothing like ripe puerh so a comparison can’t be made in reality.

Another crucial difference in the way this is brewed in comparison to gongfu brewing is I only used 2.8g of leaf for 500ml of water. For a small 180ml teapot and puerh I would use 10g. I do not know if this can be resteeped.

2 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

I went and resteeped this tea, boiling it for 15 minutes and got a surprisingly good result.


This is probably a heicha similar to Tibetan border tea. It is probably somewhat oxidized and has sticks. Tibetan leaf looks just like this and it too is boiled.

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1113 tasting notes

I am not going to explain this experience… you, yes you who is reading this, should try this yourself.

What I will inform you of is this: This is the Japanese equivalent to pu’er and is very interesting because it steeps for 10 minutes before it is ready to be drank.

I may or may not have a little extra that I would be willing to trade… what you should be thinking is “who will I drink this with?”


I am very excited to try my own. Did you Gongfu or western brew it?

Liquid Proust

I made a huge pot of it at once with a nice amount of leaf. I will say, the leaf is very large in size too (it was hard to package as well).

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