I’ve been on a iced tea kick, trying all of my teas iced, instead of the traditional hot. I still brew in my yixing but i have a 20 oz plastic cup that I completely fill with ice. I double the amount of leaf in the yxing and my 200 ml yixing fills up the cup and melts the ice as it cools.
Using double the leaf makes for one tasty brew that is perfect for a hot day and I get multiple infusions. My experience with both green and oolong and something I learned at World Tea expo is good tea is usually good tea both hot and cold… though I’m not sure about Pu (lol0. At any rate this tea is great iced. Initial infusions are very cream like and coat the mouth with an almost viscous quality that entire envelops the mouth truly cooling and truly quenching… just perfect. Growing up in the southern US (overly) sweet iced tea is a staple, a near food group until itself I never dreamed that unsweetened iced tea could be as sweet and refreshing as this tea is. What a joy to experience a healthy summer iced tea pleasure.