Over the last two days, I’ve been really testing the limits of just how long I can stretch out this sheng pu’er mini when brewed grandpa style. It turns out that it can really take a lot!! Very soft yet thick mouthfeel, which is something I remember pretty clearly from the original 2017 production, too. It’s soothing yet syrupy with subtle notes of sugar cane, moss, freshly trimmed grass, and just a bit of a fruity and alcoholic element of limoncello. It’s really quite approachable with the sort of quiet yet powerful profile that builds into something very impactful so slowly yet steadily that you almost miss that it’s happened. Almost.
Tea Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-8bxTpym3w/
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFICGxCFASY