Enjoyed this early morning session alongside with some truly immaculate green grapes. This is a hard tea for me to describe; the liquor was more light to medium bodied but with the kind of slow and steadily building presence that sneaks up on you in a way that, by the end of the session, feels like you’ve been witness to something special. And, yet, there aren’t really any tasting notes that stick out to me, which is truly such a weird feeling for me. I just remember the calm, floaty and warm feeling I was left with at the end. Like a good kind of static electricity running throughout my body, and really who can be mad about starting your day by getting wicked tea drunk.
Tea Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_Qw-IWuUzP/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOQVJs3jy1c