Strawberry Loves Chocolate

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Fruit Herbal Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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From Vegetropical

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4 Tasting Notes

16863 tasting notes

Cold Brew!

Brewed hot this is a really intensely – though also deliciously – flavoured tea. Like, a lot of work has been done to mask the vegetal notes of the moringa and I think it pays off. I was curious if that would be the case cold brewed since that longer steep time would give the more bitter green notes a fighting chance to overpower the flavours. For that reason, I was skeptical I’d enjoy this cold brew but also curious enough to want to test it out and see…

The short of it is that you can very clearly taste the moringa and it’s quite spinach-y in taste with a very “raw vegetable” vibe and bitterness. However, you can also still really strongly taste the creamy milk chocolate and sweet strawberry notes too. Since the moringa hits first and is then followed by the more decadent flavours, the thing that I couldn’t get out of my head as I sipped this was the imagery of a mother talking to their toddler and saying “Eat your vegetables first and then you can have dessert”. It was just so, so very apt.

So, overall… Kind of as expected here. Still very much drinkable and pleasant in some elements, but I’d probably still with brewing this one hot in the future.

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