Darjeeling-Ceylon Iced Tea Blend

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Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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From Upton Tea Imports

Half whole-leaf Darjeeling and half OP Ceylon. A great hot tea as well!


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7 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

Is anyone watching the transit of Venus? So cool! I wish I knew sooner than yesterday morning so I could have gotten some of those eclipse glasses, but at least I can see it online. NASA oddly enough has on someone from my university right now! I didn’t know there was even an astronomy program, although it looks like it might be graduate studies only and that’s why I had no idea.

I got a new bottle for taking tea along with me to summer classes, 28oz and it’s supposed to stay cold with this cold pack inside of it…didn’t really work yesterday and it wasn’t even hot outside.

So I filled it up with this yesterday, but I didn’t finish it so I’ve been working on it today too. I made it a bit weaker than last time, but it’s still really good. I almost want to try a different Darjeeling cold brewed since this one works so well, but for the price this seriously cannot be beat, even if it’s a blend.

If you’re looking for a good, cheap black tea for iced tea, this is definitely something to consider…one note though, you might never want to touch unsweet tea not made at home ever again. I may have gotten some earlier today while out and immediately tossed it because it just tasted gross after having this lovely tea.

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SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

Transit of Venus? I was an Astronomy major years back; it took me about 3 semesters before I realized I wasn’t cut out for it. Still, I love astronomy. I’m off to NASA’s website. Thanks!

Angrboda 13 years ago

My boyfriend was up at the crack of dawn this morning to see it. He doesn’t have one of those safety filter things, so he rigged up a contraption with a lense and some cardboard, so that he could watch it as projected onto the cardboard. :)

momo 13 years ago

I remember making something with a paper plate for a solar eclipse in like 1994 or so…I was going to do it again but it was all cloudy here, until of course, it was set to happen.

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

I remember making one of those papers thingies then too! I was just talking to my wife (I was gone when it happened her, but SHE got to see it) about the (partial) solar eclipse (I think that’s what it was) in 1994 (I was living in New England at the time). Ah, the wonder and magnificence of the moon, the planets, the stars …

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863 tasting notes

Alright, time to deviate a bit from my 52teas habit. I bought an Upton iced sampler a while back and it has been waiting patiently for me to have a go.

I am a huge iced tea drinker. I drink iced tea more than hot tea, actually. Especially in the summer. I made a half gallon of this using 15 g. leaf, my normal amount of sweetener, and steeping for the below parameters.

I think it’s the darjeeling in this giving it a more delicate taste. It doesn’t have the typical briskness of assams or straight ceylons. This would be fine if I’d held back a little on the sweetener, but I feel like the sugar overwhelms a bit here. It has the potential to have a stronger flavor, so maybe a 4 minute steep with less sugar will do the trick next time.

Withholding a rating for now, but I will be revisiting the rest of the sample relatively soon I’m sure!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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335 tasting notes

I was interested in the blending of these two teas. The outcome? I prefer these teas as their own. It didn’t stand out. I didn’t see it was great for iced tea, either. Just wasn’t my taste.

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1 tasting note

I love steeping this in a large jar as sun tea. Refreshing but not overbearing.

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