Aged Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 15 sec

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  • “Just had an unexpected journey with this tea I was haphazardly brewing to share with my neighbor and feel I ought to write something about it in spite of being strapped for time (it’s been half a...” Read full tasting note

From Tillerman Tea

Aging an oolong requires re-firing the tea every year or so to burn off the stale taste (by ridding the tea of excess moisture) and refresh the tea. The process greatly reduces the floral character and the “sweetness” but you are left with a rich full-bodied nutty tea. With hints of dark chocolate and toasted almonds, this aged oolong from Taiwan has a lot going for it. Brewing into a rich red broth, the tea has hints of charcoal and smoke butRead more

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1 Tasting Note

93 tasting notes

Just had an unexpected journey with this tea I was haphazardly brewing to share with my neighbor and feel I ought to write something about it in spite of being strapped for time (it’s been half a year since my last entry here, for crying out loud).

Sorry for the short format and long post space.

4g in 150mL glazed pot, 95C-85C descending water temp in large kettle off the stove (relative stability over first few infusions).

Dry Fragrance:
Charcoal roast impression with caramel and spinach.

Wet Leaf Aroma:
More char with sweet finish.

Liquor Aroma:
Butter lettuce, milk, and lightly stir-fried kale/mustard greens.

1st Infusion (70sec):
Roasty Tieguanyin pleasant sour-bitter taste. Maybe a tad overbrewed but yummy. Swiss chard predominant flavor with woody notes.

2nd Infusion (45sec):
Mellowed woody taste more akin to oak and bamboo but still with milk-like pleasant sour note in finish. Very sweet caramel recession.

3rd Infusion (90sec):
Rice-like flavors dominant with mixed stir-fried veggie tastes. Light sour now more like berries… raspberry? Neither sweetness nor aroma akin to fruit but the acidity is like raspberry and apple skin. Mulched grass and saplings in aftertaste and aroma.

4th Infusion (120sec):
More caramel and cream with a recession of greenery, though less flavor intensity than in 3rd. Lingering crispness evocative of minerals, like wet granite and moss.

5th infusion (30sec – water cooled after pause):
Was NOT expecting this much flavor nor the dramatic shift in profile! Sudden switch from a fundamentally TGY wulong taste to one more stereotypical of a Gaoshan. Butter lettuce, perfumey gardenia, orchid foliage, snap peas, lingering chlorophyll-laden sweetness and refreshing crisp taste, and hints of cinnamon and anise. Kinda freaking me out a bit. Lingering cream and caramel flavors and a very pleasant light bitterness. Hint of green onion in after-aroma.

6th infusion (60sec):
Purposefully lighter to continue the crisp, refreshing taste of green beans or snap peas found in prior infusion. Water chestnut and a bit of a white bread taste appeared alongside faint honey-like sweetness.

7th infusion (120sec):
Just for the heck of it to drink with cake and whipped cream. Not much to offer aside from a lighter extension of previous infusion (I never re-heated the water). Hint of berries came back into this one, but in the aroma… shoulda payed more attention to it, but I wanted dessert.

Yummy tea and unexpected in range of flavors. I typically have this tea in a more straightforward manner, increasing my time and temp as I brew. Glad I was more wishy-washy with my parameters this time around, as I never expected Jade High Mountain Wulong flavors from this tea that normally lives in the roasted Taiwan Wulong flavor realm.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 15 sec
Bonnie 12 years ago

Your description tapped my flavor imagination…salivating without the tea! What a fine tease! Want the taste though…

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