Avatar Kiyoshi

Tea type
Herbal Oolong Blend
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From Thésaurus Tea

Flavor Profile: A tale of growth and coming to great inner strength and balance; Kiyoshi is the longest lived of any Avatar, and arguably accomplished more than any of her predecessors. Two types of oolong are blended for health, goji berries for hearty energy, ginseng for strength, gynostemma for compassion, and chrysanthemum for wisdom.

Ingredients: Oolong, ginseng, gynostemma, goji berries, chrysanthemum.

Brewing instructions: Bring water to 80ºC/176ºF. Use 1tsp of loose tea per cup. Rinse the tea briefly with hot water, discard water, then Steep 2-3 minutes in fresh hot water.

Ancient Avatars Series

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1 Tasting Note

16975 tasting notes

Adventaggedon Day Seventeen – 5/6

I cannot express enough how excited I was this morning to see a A:TLA fandom blend this morning. I recently rewatched the entire series, and it caused me to rekindle my appreciate for it considerably. I know that Thesaurus has several Avatar inspired blends and I’ve been curious about them for a while – when I was last at the tea house they were out of stock so I didn’t get a chance to check them out.

I decided to brew this up in an antique Japanese cup/bowl that has the image of a little man doing various dances and tasks – it reminds me a little bit of Aang. I also used it as an excuse to rewatch some of my favourite episodes. I probably should have picked some of the episodes that are more directly centered around Kiyoshi but this was more fun.

The tea was okay. It’s fairly ginseng forward, so there’s a pleasantly woody sweetness that coats the palate, and this was complimented by more floral notes of chrystanthemum. It’s maybe a little bit dull?? I think, probably, removing the gynostemna would help a lot. I know that there’s very deliberate things each ingredient is supposed to represent in this blend, but this herb has such a pungent bitterness to it that I think it’s actually dragging down the sweetness and life of some of the other ingredients.

That aside, I just love the direction for this blend. There are so many references to tea in A:TLA thanks to Uncle Iroh – and ginseng tea is actually one of the first mentioned by name as well. I can absolutely see this blend of ingredients fitting into the world of Avatar perfectly. I think it would feel much more out of place if this was something wildly flavoured, so I’m happy with the direction that was taken instead.

Today’s Advent Photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmSPlmfOy2m/

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8uUnEGCtGU

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