My wife tried this when the package first arrived from SimplyJenW (Thank you!), and she didn’t care much for it, so when faced with the choice of this or any other, I tended to go for any other. But this morning I was looking for a good black or oolong and this instantly came to mind.
So far, so good! It reminds me of an upscale Red Rose, to be honest, and I mean that in a very good way. This also explains why the wife doesn’t like it, because she grew up with oversteeped, bitter Red Rose as the only tea available, so I can see how this would put her off. It’s got some floral notes, but I think that it’s not as astringent as a black tea would be. Hmmm, I should try DT’s orange pekoe and see how they compare!
A good morning tea I’ve glad to have a large amount of, though I’m not sure if I’ll be replacing it. If it were readily available, I’d keep it in stock, but I don’t think it’s worth shipping in from the states.