This is like a London Fog in a leaf. Earl Grey + milkiness + vanilla. But yours truly (J) is torn…
I love the strong cream flavor. But it also coats my mouth, almost like I drank a shot of butter and swished it around… which I don’t like. And the creme is mostly gone in the second steeping… c’mon!
The moderate bergamot and vanilla spice is really pleasant in the first steeping, but a 6-minute third steeping (2 tsp, 8 oz) resulted in slightly tannic warm black tea devoid of spice and complexity. I was disappointed by the tannins (which I dislike), as I recently had a Kusmi earl grey that could steep for hours without bringing much astringency.
The creme flavor is so sweet that it doesn’t need added sugar.
S did 1 tsp in 4oz over ice, which is also really good. An iced London Fog! (Beat that, Starbucks!)
Flavors: Bergamot, Vanilla
Graham Kerr … well, that just reconnected some synapses from the 70’s!
My son loved the Graham Kerr show when he was about ages 5-7. He watched the show all the time and said he was going to be a cookerman when he grew up, and although it is not his profession, he is a very good cook and made our lunch yesterday!