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Fruit Rooibos Blend
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190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! I tried this cold brewed today to see if that helped with the tea and sadly it didn’t. It’s like a miscellaneous rooibos tea without a dstinct flavour to say “yo, whaddup, i’m ruby...” Read full tasting note
  • “Today was my first day back at the school. I came in several days early to meet our new principal and start getting things back in order, but right now my mind is racing at fifty-zillion miles...” Read full tasting note
  • “Roobios blends usually lack flavor for me, so I may have added more “tea” then necessary. Nonetheless, I’m getting a strong orange flavor from this and it’s quite pleasant. No sweetener needed. I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “Water: 16oz Leaves: Small chopped leaves with bits of orange peel, safflowers & hibiscus Steep: Aroma: the usual rooibos Color: Rich deep copper orange Taste: Today I decided to test out my new...” Read full tasting note

From The Persimmon Tree Tea Company

This Rooibos Orange tea is a refreshing, caffeine-free blend comprised of organic fair trade rooibos, orange peel, hibiscus, safflowers, and natural citrus essence. A citrusy and refreshing treat.

Organic Fair Trade Rooibos, Orange Peel, Hibiscus, Safflowers, Natural Citrus Essence, Orange Rooibos Tea, Rooibos Orange Tea

About The Persimmon Tree Tea Company View company

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5 Tasting Notes

15519 tasting notes


I tried this cold brewed today to see if that helped with the tea and sadly it didn’t. It’s like a miscellaneous rooibos tea without a dstinct flavour to say “yo, whaddup, i’m ruby orange!” A little sad as I had high hopes for this tea when i brewed it. Ah well, farewell ruby orange! May you bring delight to someone else.


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254 tasting notes

Today was my first day back at the school. I came in several days early to meet our new principal and start getting things back in order, but right now my mind is racing at fifty-zillion miles about things to do and prepare, and…. and… and… I could keep going but I really need to calm down and get ready for bed!

While I haven’t really found a Persimmon Tree that’s grabbed my senses and shook them, it has been a lot of fun to try out all these little samples. So tonight as I watch Mythbusters I’m settling into this and playing fetch with Mei-Mei. The tea’s got a lovely steam rising from it, and the flavor is woodsy and sweet.

I’m not loving this tea, but I’m not hating it either. It does suffer from the same issues as their other rooibos… it’s just a wee bit too rooibossy. And I do mean bossy. Those little particles are ganging up on the other notes and overwhelming them. In the dry mix I was able to see a couple other elements, but there was considerably more of the rooibos pieces. It’s not a chunky blend by any means, and I think that’s why I’m having such a difficult time picking out the hibiscus and most the orange, although it does peek out a little in the aftertaste.

But right now I’m trying to calm down, so I don’t want something that’s going to blow my mind and get it racing again. So I’ll keep sipping and playing fetch with our sweet little cat.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

Tell me Mythbusters wasn’t new. They are so hit and miss with episodes I forget to check. When in doubt – C4


When we moved out to the rural-burbs, we chose not to do cable/satellite. Most of the time, we don’t regret it, but we do miss MB. Couple seasons behind now.


If I could find someone to fix my TV tower I might consider it myself. Trouble is we don’t watch much network. Mostly SyFy, USA, Discovery, A&E, Food, and HGTV. I guess we can’t do without satellite!


Oh, we never get to see them when they air, although sometimes I wish we could! There are only a couple channels we’d watch, but with the way our local providers set it up, it’s just not feasible. We watch everything on Netflix or, recently, through our Amazon Prime free trial.

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200 tasting notes

Roobios blends usually lack flavor for me, so I may have added more “tea” then necessary. Nonetheless, I’m getting a strong orange flavor from this and it’s quite pleasant. No sweetener needed. I’m not sure now enthusiastic about the rooibos base, but it’s not bad. I bet this would be good iced.

Oh, and there’s hibiscus in here. And as a total hibiscus hater I’m not tasting any of it. Or it’s meshing very well.

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128 tasting notes

Water: 16oz

Leaves: Small chopped leaves with bits of orange peel, safflowers & hibiscus


Aroma: the usual rooibos

Color: Rich deep copper orange

Taste: Today I decided to test out my new Brita water pitcher for making this tea. I use 16 oz due to the amount of tea that comes in a sample packet. The aroma was that of the typical rooibos (dry leaf). Upon steeping the tea had released more of a citrus note (wet leaf). I noticed the color was much deeper and richer than the rooibos I had previously, this was probably due to the addition of the hibiscus. Overall I found this to be an okay lightly flavored tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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