Back to exploring some Terra Tee offerings…
This one seems like it should be really fun; the packaging is vibrant, bright colours and it uses a lot of tropical fruit descriptors. I’ll admit; I bought into the marketing a bit myself and as I was steeping up my cup I definitely let myself get excited for something sweet, tropical, and yummy! I should know better, honestly – the initial sip is SUPER tart/tangy hibiscus and orange and it reminds me a little bit of Tang or other instant “juice” drinks that come in powder form. It’s not super wildly unique or deeply tasty but it’s not bad.
However – and of course there’s a “however”, that tangy hibby/orange pop of flavour in the top of the sip is fleeting, and when it gives way what’s left is a very thin/watery citrus note lacking any sort of body. It’s disappointing.
I will say – this might be good if you iced it. But really, who wants to go to the trouble of icing bagged tea!?
How is it cold steeped?
I’m not sure – I only had the one tea bag worth of this to try so I just tried it hot.