The first 4 steepings of this tea had a gentle/ pleasant bitterness that almost covered fruity notes of apple and a pleasant mix of sourness and sweetness.
After that the bitternesswas more in the background and the fruity notes came foreward, accompanied by a diffuse flowery taste I didn’t quite catch in the earlier steepings. From the 5th steeping on the dark but subtle flowery taste got the dominant note in the tea and developed into a bouquet of violets, jasmine and lilies.
I like the gentle bitternes in this tea that is quite prevalent in the beginning but in itself still smooth and tasty. Also the flowery notes were a pleasant surprise. I hadn’t encountered such such flavors in a sheng pu-erh yet.
5g Tea in a 75ml Gaiwan, almost boiling water fresh from the stove top
8s rinse, 10, 12, 20, 25, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 45, 50 seconds
Flavors: Apple, Astringent, Bitter, Flowers, Fruity, Jasmine, Pleasantly Sour, Violet