I keep drinking and drinking this tea, and as my 50g dwindles, I keep telling myself to write a note. Even then, I’m writing this in hindsight because I last had it last night.
My apathy is probably due to the fact that I personally find this mediocre. I keep hoping for more. It smells more like pear than it tastes. There’s cinnamon with a hint of ginger but the cardamom is far too faint. This is like a weak version of DAVIDsTEA’s Poached Pear but with a black base. Milk unfortunately drowns out the spices even more. That is what I find about these TeaTaxi teas in general. There are so many with flavour profiles that would ideally benefit from milk, but once added, the flavour profile is nearly ruined. You can’t really win.
The sore neck/stiff neck has been hanging around for over a month now (I’ve lost track at this point) and I’m feeling a little drained energy-wise this afternoon, too drained to even make more tea even though I know I should be drinking and writing. Blah.