1995 Aged Pouchong

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Oolong Tea
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From TeaSource

This very rare tea from Wen Shen Mountain was first produced in 1995, then set aside to age. It has gone through additional bakings every few years since . It has layers of flavor: a strong toastiness, sweet lilac/fruit notes, great clarity. Like blackened veggies, ie. light toasty char note on top, with sweet notes underneath.

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1 Tasting Note

9 tasting notes

The loosely formed dry leaves smell fruity, sweet, with smokiness. Picking standard appears to be one leaf. Once wetted, the leaves develop a rather peculiar odor, that of dirty dishes and old socks. However, this unpleasantness doesn’t carry into the light amber-green liqour at all. It tastes sweet, fruity (orange and peach?), and goes down smooth. Smokiness is subtle at first, but grows with successive steepings. Slight astringency, subtle at first, but too grows with time. This tea is lighter and fresher tasting in a gaiwan; smoke dominates the profile in zisha-ware, while fruitiness muddles.

Overall, a very tastey tea. It has grown on me since I first got it; I’ll deffinetly buy it again at ~$25 for 4 oz.

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