If ever there was a poster child for name recognition driving sales, this tea must be it.
I haven’t the slightest whether this bears any resemblance to a Menghai 8582, and after trying it, I’m certainly not inclined to she’ll out the cash I’d need to in order to find out. Lest you get the wrong impression from this intro, however, I’ll skip to the point – there’s nothing wrong with this tea, but I’ve had similar experiences muxh cheaper from more unknown old cakes that were much cheaper. Tastes like dirt? Check. Easy drinking? Check. Costs 200? That’s a negative, good buddy.
As usual, this could be end user error, improper humidity in the room I drank, the cheap gaiwan I was using, an improper spring water, or probably a half dozen other things – but a similar conclusion was reached by the person I sent a bit of the sample to, so I’m forced to conclude that the reason this price is so (relatively) affordable for what is, is regrettably due to what it is.
Ok so I recently sampled a real 8582 from late 90s and remembered I had a small chunk of this left….the verdict? No comparison. The real thing had much more depth of flavor and huigan not to mention deeper qi. For this price one can get early 2000s teas from various areas that smoke this tea…after drinking the last pot of this I came to the conclusion that I musta been tea drunk on something else when I wrote my original review…